His Lady

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Arya found Gendry in the common hall, eating. Daenerys was nowhere to be seen, so Arya was safe. When Gendry saw Arya, he smiled. Arya looked down at her feet and walked closer to him. 

"Good morning," she greeted. 

"Mornin'," Gendry patted the seat next to him. He noticed her shaky breath. "Everything okay?"

"It is," she smiled and shook her head. "I don't know how its even possible, but it is."

Gendry was confused, but he knew that happiness was rare for Arya, and he knew better than to ask and ruin it. "Good, I'm glad," was all he said. 

"I've got to go," Arya kissed him quickly and stood. 

Gendry caught her arm. "Wait," she turned around. "Meet me. Tonight. In the Godswood."

Arya smiled at him. 

Arya wandered outside for hours calling for Nymeria. Arya hadn't seen her since the battle. 

Arya walked around the trees until the sky turned purple. She didn't notice, of course, until she heard someone calling her name. Her head turned, looking in every direction, wondering who was looking for her. 

"Arya!" they sounded out of breath. 

She turned around to see Gendry jogging towards her. She walked to him. 

"I'm sorry," she was confused. "I must have lost track of time. This day just slipped away from me."

"It's alright. I understand, but, what have you been doing?"

"Looking for Nymeria," she turned her head to make sure Nymeria wasn't looming nearby. "I haven't seen her in months."

"I'm sorry," he shifted his eyes to the ground. 

"I know she'll come to me. She spent a long time on her own. She knows how to find me," Arya snapped out of her trance again. "Sorry, why were you looking for me?"

"I.. uh," he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "I just wanted to be with you, that's all."

"Oh, okay," Arya was suspicious. She watched him bring his hand from his neck to his pocket and spin something around. "What's that?"

Gendry stiffened. "What's what?"

She reached for his hand but he pulled away. "Come on, what is it?"

It turned into a game of keep-away. They played for maybe 10 seconds before Arya got her hands on the object. A ring. Simple, but beautiful. She scrunched her forehead and stared. For the first time ever, Gendry say Arya speechless. 

"I didn't mean to give it to you this way," Gendry said, trying to avoid eye contact. "I wanted something more... I don't know what I wanted, but-"

"Gendry," Arya stopped him. Gendry looked to see her eyes welling with tears. 

He sighed. "To everyone else, we're wrong. For each other. For the world. But when I look at us," he took her hands. "When I really look at us, it's right. It's perfect- you're perfect. I don't know how to be lord of anything, I hardly know how to use a fork."

She laughed. 

"All I know is that you're beautiful and I love you and none of it will be worth anything if you're not with me."

She tried to hole back her tears. 

"So be with me. I don't care how. My wife, my friend- anything. I need you with me."

He held the ring in his hand and waited for her answer. 

"I'm your lady," Arya said in a sweet voice, filled with bottled up excitement. She held out her hand. 

Gendry didn't know if he understood what she just said. He looked at her and she smiled and nodded her head. He placed the ring on her finger and kissed her deeply. 

When he pulled away to look at her, she had to wipe her face with her sleeves. She looked at her ring. "You made this?"

"Yeah. It took me a few tries, but this one was it, this one was yours."

She didn't speak, just smiled at him.

"Is something wrong?"

"No," she laughed. "Not at all. Life is back to normal."

"What do you mean?"

"Us, and Jon, and-"

"Wait, Jon?"

"He's alive," she smiled wide. Gendry was beyond confused. "Melisandre healed him and brought him life. Again."


"I was concerned too. But she is helping. She is trying," she took his hand. "I feel peaceful."

He smiled at her. "Good. Let's go back to the castle."

Arya Snow and Gendry Waters: Just Two BastardsWhere stories live. Discover now