For The Realm

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Arya found Sansa tending to Jon.

"He's able to sit up on his own," Sansa explained. "But only time will tell when he'll be able to speak or walk."

Arya nodded solemnly. She approached Jon slowly. "Jon, Jon," she said, trying to get his attention. She brought his face up to hers with the tips of her fingers. "It's me, Arya."

Jon twitched his fingers and mumbled a noise.

Arya smiled and a tear fell. "Arya, your sister," she took his hand that was moving. When he tried to speak again, she squeezed his hand, "It's alright, Jon. Everything will be alright."

He felt around her hand and tugged on her ring. Arya looked down and back up at Jon, who was confused, by the look on his face.

Arya laughed, "You know Gendry." Jon's eyes widened and his lips almost formed a frown.

Sansa gasped, "What?" Arya turned around.

"I love him. He's a good man. You would know if you ever met him," she could tell they didn't know whether to congratulate her or not. "I love him, okay," she shrugged. "He makes me happy and I don't have to be a lady around him. I love him."

Sansa smiled, "I'm happy for you, Arya."

Jon's almost frown turned into an almost smile; Arya could see it in his eyes. "Daenerys wants me dead, I know it," she confided.

"She does," Sansa agreed. "Which is why you need to do it first."

Arya sighed. She knew it would come to this. She looked at Jon. His eyes watered but still, he nodded. 

 Daenerys had taken Robb's room after her arrival. Arya stood at the door. She knocked once. Twice. Three times before hearing, "One moment."

Arya felt the hilt of Catspaw with her fingertips and took a long breath in. 

The doorknob turned and opened to reveal queen Daenerys. 

"Hello Lady Arya," she greeted with a smile. 

Arya bowed her head, "Your grace."

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes, your grace. May I come in?"

Daenerys hesitated before opening the door wider. Arya went inside. As Arya walked to the center of her grace's room, she felt a shiver down her spine. This is right, she told herself, and exhaled. 

"You wanted to talk about..?" Daenerys asked, coming up behind Arya. 

"My heritage," she turned around to face the queen she served. "My claim."

"Yes, your claim," Daenerys said with a smile. "Quite confusing, isn't it?"

Arya relaxed her shoulders, "Not exactly. Your brother is my father. My aunt is my mother. My father is my uncle. My siblings are my cousins, but what matters is who I am, and who you are not. Many believe in you."

Daenerys smiled. "You're not as scary as you think you are. You're kind, Arya."

Arya saw a sliver of hope. Maybe it wouldn't come to death. 

Daenerys continued, "Far more people in Westeros love you than love me," she carried a sad look in her eyes. "I don't have love here. I only have fear."

"You earn respect. People love to watch you win and they respect you for it," Arya said. "It doesn't matter that they fear you if they choose you."

"I am respected and you are loved," Daenerys chuckled. "In another world, we could be working together."

"Yes," Arya agreed. "Another world."

"If you weren't so fearful of me, perhaps we could," Daenerys said. 

Arya stepped closer. Close enough for her to feel Danaerys' breath on her shoulder and she whispered. "I'm sorry." Arya lunged Catspaw into the queen's heart. Daenerys gasped and pulled back. She looked down at the dagger in horror. She fell to her knees and struggled for air. 

A trickle of blood fell from the corner of Danaerys' mouth. "Tell your brother," Daenerys breathed. "I love him," she cried. "And I'm sorry."

And with those words, Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen was put to rest forever. 

And Arya realized, Daenerys knew that Jon was alive. She didn't do anything to stop it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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