Inmate of Iron Heights

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Iris West. Inmate of Iron Heights. In prison for Trespassing, Aggravated Assault, and Attempted Murder.

"Why did you send me here Barry? Are you really this stupid? I told you, I can escape from anything." Iris said.

"Well, I don't want you near me and my family. We are happy, and we'd be even happier if you could please go away. And the only way for that to happen, is to send you to Iron Heights." Barry said.

"Come on Barry. You know I care about you and I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me. I'm always gonna be here for you." Iris said.

"Cut the shit and be serious. You know you don't care. You wanna do whatever you want, but I will know that you're lying to me about everything."

"What? Barry, that's not true and you know it. I've never lied to you!" Iris said.

"Bullshit! You think you'll get out of here, by reminding me of who my best friend was." Barry said.

"YOU DESERVE HAPPINESS! That's something that Kara will never be able to give you. That's why I can't just stand by and watch you pretend to be happy! Everything I've done, and everything I will do, will be for you. Because I can give you happiness."Iris said.

"Why should I believe you? Why can't you see that I am happy? What do you want so desperately that you have to try and break up Kara and I?" Barry asked.

"You really can't see what I want? Barry, I want you. You have always been my crush. I didn't act on these feelings because I didn't think you felt the same way about me." Iris said.

"WELL I TOLD YOU I DID! AND YOU REJECTED ME IRIS! You said that you didn't feel the same way." Barry said. "You know what, I'm leaving. I'll visit later."

"Barry! Wait!" Iris said. But before she could say wait, Barry was gone. He had ran to S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Caitlin! Where's Kara?" Barry asked.

"She's either in the training room or at your apartment. But if you want, I could check where she is at by locating her tracker." Caitlin said.

"Please do. I need to know if she's okay. I need to make sure Iris hasn't sent a prison gang to attack her." Barry said.

"Barry, I respect your need to keep Kara safe, but she's a Kryptonian. She is literally impenetrable. Bullets can bounce off of her. She'll be safe. I promise." Caitlin said.

"You're right. I just wanna make sure that her and the kids are safe." Barry said.

"I still tracked her down though, like you asked me to." Caitlin said.

"Okay, great. Where's she?" Barry asked.

"She's at the carnival. And so are your future kids." Caitlin said.

"Oh, okay. Thank you Caitlin!" Barry said. He ran to the Central City Carnival.

"Hey guys. I'm back from putting Iris in prison. She's not getting out of prison for a long time." Barry said.

"That's great Dad! That means she can't adopt us in the future. And she can't send Mon-El after you guys, and Barry Jr. gets to live." Alex says.

"Wait. Iris was supposed to be the reason we die?" Kara asked.

"Yes, I'm afraid to confirm that, but it's the truth." Malachi said.

"Barry, are you listening?" Kara asked.

"Yes I am. Tell us the whole story." Barry said.

"We were born October 2nd, 2019. And three years later, we learn that Mon-El will have been leaving death threat notes at the apartment. And when you guys are at work, Iris would have installed security cameras in the apartment. So, when Kara or Mom goes into labor, she notifies Mon-El and he will be drunk, so he'll get in a car. He'll proceed with Iris's plan and drive to the coordinates where you'll be running. Trying to get Mom to a hospital. He'll hit you with the car, and he'll have a kryptonite dagger." Malachi said.

"Dad, you'll die on impact when the car hits you. And Mom will start screaming and crying and begging you to stay strong for her. She will then get stabbed in the heart by Mon-El, and he'll say this is how I felt. Now you are dying the same way my heart did when you left me." Alex says.

"And we just wanted to say, we're sorry we weren't fast or strong enough to save you. And we know, messing up the timeline is wrong. Especially if it's for selfish reasons." Malachi said.

"But after you guys died, Iris adopts us and Eddie is our adoptive father. They change our names and they said that our old names don't matter anymore." Alex says.

"We're sorry that we messed up the timeline. But we need Earth's greatest heroes. And we were willing to do anything to get your help. We had our own parents taken away from us at three years old, and the person who planned it, ended up adopting us." Malachi says.

"We're sorry if we lost your trust, and if you decide that we should go back to the future, that's where we will go. Without hesitation." Alex says.

"No. You should stay. We understand how you feel. I lost my home planet to the recklessness that caused it's destruction. And Barry watched an evil speedster murder his mom right in front of him. We know how it feels to lose some people that you love." Kara said.

"Now that we know what's supposed to happen, we can make a plan to avoid it." Barry said.

"We did it sis! We saved our parents!" Malachi said.

"Yes, yes we did indeed. It feels great." Alex says.

"How about we take a break from this craziness and go to karaoke night?" Kara asked.

"I love karaoke night!!" Malachi and Alex say.

"Then that's what we'll do." Barry said. He loved seeing his family happy. That's how he wanted it everyday. Everyone needed to be happy. That was most important to him. Happiness.

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