The Assassin and the Crown of Stars: Part Ten

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When Nova awoke, cold and alone, she knew what Parker had done. The bead next to Nova's, marked only by a small engraved P, had gone cold and silent. Nova smiled. She'd know what she had to do as soon as the air began to run out. The team needed more time, more air, and Parker had outlived her usefulness. A thousand miles from the overworld, Parker's skills were no longer needed. But Finn's and Mace's were. If she was going to break into the inner city and take down the Queen, she needed Finn and Mace besides her, not Parker. She hadn't wanted to do what she did, but if she was going to be Queen she had to make sacrifices. Parker had probably been considering it anyway, all she needed was reassurance that Nova still loved her. So Nova had let Parker see her cry, let Parker see how desperate she was. Let her in, fed her lies, kissed her. And Parker had fallen for everything. 

When Nova had let herself fall asleep in Parker's arms, she'd thought it would be the last time she would ever see Parker. But she had been pulled awake again when Parker had untangled herself and left. She dared not open her eyes but she couldn't stop the small smile and spread over her lips. Nova did not feel guilty, but she did feel sorry. Sorry that Parker would never actually find someone who loved her, sorry that Parker would not get to see the beautiful future Nova was going to create as Queen. But she'd let Parker die thinking she was loved, and that was enough. 

Nova stood, stretching the sleep from her limbs. She checked her scanner, it was almost nineteen hundred hours. Earth loomed even closer than before, the swirling brown clouds clearly visible. It would only be about sixteen or seventeen hours before they landed. Only a few hours ago it had seemed they wouldn't make it at all. Nova bounced on her toes, happy for the first time in a while. She leaned over the control board to stare farther out into space. She'd have to find some way to make Finn and Mace understand Parker's sacrifice, but for now she'd let them sleep. They'd both need to regain their strength for what lay ahead. 

Nova was still in the cockpit when Mace had come looking for Parker hours later. She'd made herself cry when he told her Parker was gone, and made herself cry again when they told Finn. She tried to make them understand why Parker had does it, reminded them over and over again that they had to stay focused on the mission. There would be time for grieving later. They couldn't waste Parker's gift. 

On and on the small spacecraft flew through space. Not quickly, not steadily, but it was enough. They were going to make it. But it would be close.

For the last few hours of the journey, the air in the spacecraft became bitter and thin. Nova's scanner blared warning of the insufficient oxygen content in the air. Nova tried to conserve her movements and breath as shallow as possible but it did little to help. She limbs felt rubbery, her chest felt tight against her lungs, her mind felt clouded. She stumbled to the common room, hands clawing at her throat. Nova's vision blurred and she pitched forward towards Mace. He caught her gently and eased her to the floor. 

"Stop panicking, we're going to make it." Mace wiped the sweat out off his face, his words coming in gasps. 

Nova's body shook, her chest screaming for oxygen. "How much oxygen is in the radiation suit tanks?" 

Mace shook his head. "We already empty most of it back into the spacecraft tank. We left just enough for the attack." 

Nova groaned. "How long until we land?"

Mace lay down next to her on the floor. "About fifteen minutes." 

Nova closed her eyes, her fingers tapping out the seconds. Everything slowly faded away, leaving Nova only her heart thudding against her rib cage. She was so tired. Her worries about the attack slipped away, replaced with exhaustion. She took a breath, trying to let sleep claim her. 

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