Chapter 8

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Kristen's POV
I am really excited for the fair. Today is Wednesday, but I need to prepare myself. What am I going to wear? What am I going to do with my hair? Is it going to rain? How cold is it going to be? I need to figure this out before Friday.
The rest of school goes by, boring as normal. After the final bell rings, Lexi and I walk home to my house.
"What homework do you have?" I ask Lexi.
"Math. What about you?" she replies.
"Same," I say.
"Let's just do it and get it over with," she suggests.
"Okay fine," I groan.
I pull out my math book and my notebook. I open it up to a blank page and start my dreaded homework.
An hour and a half goes by until Lexi shouts "Done!" as she slams her math book shut.
"Me too. Okay so now let's talk about the carnival! I'm really excited," I say to her.
"Yes! Me too. I was thinking I'm going to wear my short chestnut Uggs, light wash jeans, and my maroon sweater that I got last weekend. Also I'm going to wear some maroon socks that go up to my shin and they'll peek out of my boots a little bit and they'll also match my sweater," she grins.
"Wow. You've got this all planned out," I laugh. "I like that outfit. I think it's very autumn. So what should I wear?"
"I don't know. Show me some potential options," she tells me.
I disappear into my closet then reemerge wearing a black tank top with light washed skinny jeans.
"Eh, too summer. It's the middle of October so I'd go for something warmer," Lexi suggests.
I reenter my closest and try three more times before I find an outfit that meets Lexi's approval standards.
"Perfect!" she exclaims. "Turn around."
I do as I'm told and spin. Lexi let's out a squeal of excitement. I look down approvingly of my loose grey sweater, complimented by my maroon infinity scarf with black leggings and my brown combat boots.
"This is perfect, but I have to get home for dinner," Lexi explains.
"Okay see ya tomorrow," I say as she climbs out the window going back to her house. I eat dinner and then return back to my room. I eventually go to bed and hope for a good day tomorrow but an even better Friday.
Kristen's POV
I wake up, get ready for school, and then meet up with Lexi. We reach school and start the day. I go to first period and look around for Peyton, but I don't see him. I take another look around, but still no Peyton.
"Take your seats, class," the teacher says.
I think to myself that maybe he's just sick today.
"Today's lesson will be about the--" the teacher gets cut off by someone bursting through the door.
"I'm here. I'm here. Sorry I'm late!" Peyton stammers.
"Take a seat Mr. Meyer. Oh my. Would you like to go to the nurse?" the teacher asks astounded.
I look up at Peyton and see he has a deep gash above his left eyebrow. It's bleeding.
"No I'm fine," he mumbles.
"Mr. Meyer, you're going to the nurse. Kristen will you please take him down to the nurse's office?" the teacher looks to me.
"Uh, sure," I get out of my seat and walk to Peyton. We start walking out of the room.
"Are you okay?" I ask him.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just hit my head on my locker," he looks down as he speaks.
"How did a locker do that?" I question.
He doesn't reply.
"Peyton?" I say.
"Listen, Kristen. I'm trusting you not to tell anyone this. I didn't hit my head on a locker. Someone pushed my head into the wall and I scraped my forehead on a nail that was poking out," he admits.
"Oh my gosh. Peyton, who did this to you?" I ask.
"It's not important," he mumbles.
"Yes it i--" I get cut off by the nurse rushing out of her office to tend to Peyton.
"Oh my! Come on in my office and we'll help you out. Thank you for walking him down, honey. You can go back to class now," the nurse says.
I turn around and head back to class worrying more and more about Peyton with every step. Thoughts race through my mind as I return to the classroom. I take my seat and finish the class period. Peyton hasn't returned from the nurses office.
Peyton's POV
The nurse finishes tending to my wound. I gasps as she put anti-infection spray on it. I flash back to the infliction of the wound. I shut my eyes as the hand shoves my head into the hard wall. I feel my forehead catch a nail.
"AGH!" I shout in pain.
"Oh sh*t. He's bleeding all over. Let's get out of here," the voices say.
I look up as the feet run away from me laying on the ground. I catch a glimpse of his snickering face as he runs. Michael.
"Try not to move," the nurse's voice snaps me back to reality. She applies medical gauze and a hefty bandage.
"All patched up! If you need a new bandage just came back down to my office. I'll call your mom and let her know about the accident. How did this happen again?" she question.
"Uh, I hit my head on my locker," I lie once again.
"Oh. Okay then," she says semi-disbelieving me.
I return to class and try to continue my day as normally as I can.
Kristen's POV
My day has been strange and confusing and when I told Lexi about the Peyton thing, she barely believed me. She tells me about her day which personally, was less eventful. We make our way down to Lexi's and talk about the fair. We're very excited. We talk until it's time for me to leave. I go to bed and prepare myself for tomorrow


Kristen's POV
AHH! Today is the day. It's the fair! I meet up with Lexi and we head to school. We talk about our plan for the fair and we decide we'll meet at Lexi's at 6:20 and walk over at 6:45 because Lexi lives down the block from the fair.

Classes drag by and nothing special happens, until lunch.

As I grab a chocolate pudding, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Peyton's smiling face and a large bandage on his forehead.

"Hey!" he says smiling.

"Wow you're quite peppy for someone with a gash on their head," I say to him.

"What? This old thing? Nothing but a scratch!" he tells me.

"Yeah suuuure," I giggle. "So was there something you wanted to say?"

"Oh yeah! I just wanted to thank you for worrying about me yesterday. I really appreciate it," he thanks me.

"No problem. If you ever want to tell me what actually happened when you got that, I'm all ears," I tell him.

"Okay maybe sometime," he smiles as he walks back to his table.

I smile to myself and walk to Lexi. The rest of the uneventful school day inches away. The final bell rings and the fun actually begins.

I go home and dress in my perfectly planned outfit. I adjust my maroon scarf and slip on my combat boots. I touch up on my mascara and apply some perfume. Finally, I leave for Lexi's. We meet up and head over.

We walk up to the fair and take a look around.

"Wow," Lexi mumbles.

There are blinking lights of all colors around us. Shouts of joy, terror, and excitement. We race towards the ticket booth and buy our tickets.

"What should we go on first?" I ask Lexi.

"That!" she points excitedly at a twirling ride called The Demon.

We get in line and hand the man three tickets. We get a in a blue car and strap ourselves in. The ride begins and we ride in the air and start to rotate slowly and then faster and faster. I scream with joy and terror at once. Lexi does the same, but louder. The ride slows down and we laugh at each other's now messy hair.

"That was awesome," Lexi exclaims.

We go on many more rides within the next hour. Then we take a snack break. I get a pretzel and Lexi gets popcorn. We walk around and look at the other rides. I hear my name called followed by Lexi's name. We turn around and see Peyton and his friend Joey running towards us.

"Hey guys!" I say as they approach us.

"I didn't know you were going to be here," Peyton says to me.

"And I didn't know you were going to be here," I respond to him.

"Hahah well here I am and here you are," he smiles. "Wanna go on the Ferris wheel?"

"Sure! Let's go," I say. We walk to the Ferris wheel and sit down in the cart.

"So are you good friends with Joey?" I ask him.

"Oh yeah. We go way back. I've played baseball with him since I was seven," Peyton says.

"That's awesome," I say back. "Lexi and I have lived near each other for as long as I can remember,"

"Yeah she's a nice person. I don't talk to her a lot though," he says.

We discuss more and more topics and we eventually get to the top of the wheel.

"Wow! Look at that. It's breath-taking," I whisper looking down at the sight below.

"Yes it is," he agrees. I look at him, but he's not looking at the view. He's looking at me. I blush.

"Kristen, there's something I wanted to ask you," he says to me.

"Yes?" I ask as possibilities race through my head.

He looks at me and says

"Will you go out with me?"

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