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Thea follows the cat down the pathway, to the deepest part of town. Like the rest of Hamilton, the park is a hole into the deepest centre of the Earth. The cat disappears into the town's depths, its black coat masquerading the cat in the dark. Thea snaps her fingers in frustration.

She sees a figure approaching her in the dark. Thea whips her phone out of her pocket, shining the light forward. The man flinches, raising a football up to his face to protect himself from the bright light.

"Eden?" Thea drops the light, taking a few steps forward. They stand on the edge of the grass field, where the trees begin to take over the park. "What are you doing here?"

He holds up the football towards her, gently wagging it from side to side. "I'm practicing. What are you doing here?"

Thea looks around, stepping closer to him. Her shoulder grazes his muscular chest, and her heart skips a beat. She casts a glance back up to Eden, pursing her lips in a tight smile. Perhaps, she considers, that Bike Boy missing their get together was the universe was doing her a favour.

"I thought I saw a cat nearby," she turns her head up to face him, their faces an inch apart. Eden is smiling, but she can't tell if that's because he is a nice guy, or if he is as happy to see her as she is to see him. "I never see you anymore. How is life?"

Eden looks up from the ground, his eyes soaring above her head. He can remember the days when they were the same height. It feels like it was years ago. "Good, I guess. Are you still at the library?"

"I've had three jobs since then," she shakes her head from side to side. Absentmindedly, she reaches a head up to her hair and adjusts a braid on her head. "If you are ever interested in yoga, I work at the fitness studio in downtown."

Eden nods instead of turning her down (Liam informs him that unless you are doing yoga with a girl you are sleeping with, yoga is gay). A sound emerges from the forest, and Eden leans in. He carefully tucks Thea behind him, who rolls her eyes just out of eyesight.

"It's probably the cat," she mutters.

"There's a cat?" A voice behind her calls.

Thea and Eden fly around. A boy stands before them, with dark hair and a brown jacket. He is short, which makes Eden feel more comfortable. If need be, he could beat this guy up.

"Yeah, we're looking for one," Thea buds in, much to Eden's dismay. She leans forward to the boy, trying to get a better look at him in the low lighting. "Who are you?"

The woods continue to rustle behind them. Eden finds himself caught between Jamie and the impending doom from the woods. He can hear someone moving.

"Jamie," the kid offers, sticking his hand out. When neither of them shakes it, he jams his hand back in his pocket. "I can help you look if you'll help me. My friend has gone missing."

Thea finds herself relaxing. She realizes that she could take this kid, easily. He seems nice enough and worried too. He is biting the inside of his cheek, a nervous tick. She ignores Eden, who is grasping at the bottom of her jacket, trying to pull her away.

"What's the party for?" A girl calls out as she emerges from the woods. Eden calms down when he sees her calm, quiet face. She cocks her head to the side, staring him down. She takes a step backwards, and Eden flinches from the realization that he scares her. God, he wonders if he looks that scary.

"My friend is missing," Jamie turns to the girl, pleading. "Did you see anyone on the ground back there?"

"It was dark," the girl tosses a glance over her shoulder into the forest. "There weren't any bush parties out here tonight. The university kids have been bar hopping."

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