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Chapter 14

Cara feels like her head is spinning. She walks out of the interview room, not sure if she is the target of an investigation or if Eden is, or if they both are. Now is not the time to ask Eden about his history with Thea. Perhaps, the time will never be right because though she is certain that Eden did not kill Thea, the thought lurks at the back of her mind anyway. Perhaps their certainty is what has destroyed her the most.

Just outside of the station, she stops at a bench. With her head pounding like this, she can't walk away. Besides, she can't look up from her phone, nor from the message from Eden. There is no way she can go visit Keisha's sister now, and no way he can either. Although, what exactly is she supposed to tell Eden? Sorry Eden, but you allowed to grieve because it might get me in trouble?

Instead, she finds herself scrolling through Jamie's list of friends online, searching for the right person. Eventually, she finds her.

Can we meet up? I just got out of the police station.

Cara folds the phone in her lap, exhaling. It is late for a Wednesday. Time in that room felt longer than it was though since she feels like the sun should be rising even though it's barely the evening.

A car pulls up, the window rolling down. From the driver's side, Hope cocks her head to the side. She watches as Cara slowly rises from the bench. Hope, only for a second, marvels at how ethereal Cara looks. With the mist rolling in and tears streamed down her face, Hope's guardian angel looks as though she has fallen from the Heavens.

Cara walks up to the car door, opening it and shutting it behind her. Inside, she feels toasty warm. She feels as if she has been tucked into a blanket by the hands of a mother she has never known. Cara begins to unbutton her peacoat, letting her heart calm to the faint beat of classical music from the radio.

"I need your legal advice," Cara begins.

Hope pulls the car away. Coming to pick up Cara means that she is going to miss her medication again, although she has been feeling better than ever. That electricity must have shocked the sickness out of her after all.

"I don't know how much help I can be," Hope shrugs her shoulders, pulling away from the police station. There are no parking lots where she could idle in Hamilton, so she finds herself cruising down the street. The mist turns to droplets of rain on the windshield. She doesn't use the wipers, however. Instead, she lets the world become a blur before her.

Not like it would matter. The car could throw itself off a cliff and they would be fine.

Cara gulps, nodding her head. "I mean, your Dad has got to tell you some stuff, right? Like, maybe he knows a good defence lawyer who I can talk with. I think they think that Eden and I murdered Thea."

Hope tentatively lowers one hand off the wheel, resting it on the stick shift. She resolves that this way, if Cara needs her support, she can take it for herself. As of now, and Hope feels like the better phrase would be as of always, she can't seem to reach forward.

Next to her, the phone is ringing. Cara looks down at the screen, realizing it is a call from Hope's Dad.

"I can be quiet if you want to put it on speaker," Cara begins.

Hope shakes her head, unsure of how to best tell Cara that she has technically stolen her own car to pick the girl up. "He doesn't like when I drive in this weather. He probably saw me leave on the cameras."

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