Chapter 10

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Hey I'm updating two times a week now because the OG story is finished (not on here, but I've finished actually writing it), and I want for you guys to see some FFH story content so yeah, get ready for ~extra~ content. 

I'm seeing FFH tomorrow ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

I'm probably digging myself a hole but whatever,



(Y/S)= Your state

(L/N) = Last name


Last week on It's All You:

Peter looks at me with his mouth slightly open. "You too."

I can't help but smile at his dorkiness.

"Night." I say, turning over.


Even five minutes later, I can still feel his eyes on the back of my head.


 In the morning I sit up groggily. I check my alarm clock and see that it's five o'clock. I would go back to sleep, but I know I'm not going to wake up on time if I do. Peter is lying on his back with his mouth wide open.

"PETER THERE'S A SPIDER IN YOUR MOUTH!" I yell as quietly as I can. He shoots up and starts wiping his clothes off frantically.

"Get it off!" I can't help snorting and burst out laughing.

"Sorry! I was just trying to wake you up!" I say, almost choking.

"You suck!" He lays back down, breathing heavily.

"You love me," I say, getting up. I start laying out my clothes for the day, throwing them on the bed.

"Yeah, whatever." He stands up and stands behind me. He slowly leans on me. Soon I'm struggling to stand up.

"Don't go boneless on me now!" I huff, trying to get to my bed. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me down even more. "I hate you." I breathe, laying on the floor under Peter.

"You love me." I can hear the smile on his lips.

"I only love you when I'm not having the breath squeezed out of me." He laughs and pushes off of me.

"Can we actually get ready for school now?" I ask, catching my breath. My breath catches again when Peter takes his shirt off to change into his old clothes. "Woah, dude. I forgot you were jacked. When did that happen?"

He looks at me, surprised. "I- uh- went to the gym this summer."

I turn around to change. "Yeah, alright. Peter Parker went to workout." I laugh. The Peter Parker I know doesn't even know how to use a treadmill.

"Hey, I wanted to protect myself! Queens is getting dangerous, you know." I nod my head, even though I know he can't see it.

"That's actually super responsible. Can you- pick me up...?"

He hesitates. "I don't think- um, I don't know."

I pull my shirt over my head. "C' mon, please? Please please please please-"

"Yeah, I'll pick you up." He turns around and stands in front of me. "Okay, let's go." He whispers. He picks me up easily, and I feel like I'm floating. Then he opens the door to my room and walks to the bathroom, down the stairs, and to the sink. He sets me down.

"Oh my god, that was amazing!" He smiles and grabs a spare toothbrush.

"I told you."

"I will never not not not trust you again," I say, starting to brush my teeth.

"What?" He chuckles, toothpaste foam in his mouth. We eat some cereal and grab our backpacks.

"We're going to school mom!" I yell.

"Be safe!" She answers.

"We will!"

We walk out the door and onto the streets of Queens. "It's getting colder outside," I say, rubbing my arm. Peter laughs a little and looks at me.

"It's barely sixty degrees."

"Hey, I said colder. I'm from (Y/S), I like the cold. We're both Yankees." He smiles at me and we fist bump.

 "Okay that was really cringy and I never want to do that again." He laughs.

 "Agreed," I nod. 

"So, you think we're pretty much good for our project?" Peter asks.

"Yeah, we just need to make a physical piece to get extra credit."

"(Y/N) (L/N) is doing something for extra credit?" Peter asks in fake astonishment.

"Hey, I'm not always that lazy! And I'm not doing it for me, I'm doing it for you. I don't know if you've noticed, but you haven't exactly been the student you used to be lately."

He sighs. "Yeah, I know. It's just a lot- just a lot is on my mind, right now." I look down at my shoes, wishing I hadn't said anything. Peter's had it so hard lately, and May must be so stressed. I know how much he cares about her.

"If you ever need to just vent or something, I'll be right by your side. Except in social studies. I'm pretty sure Mrs. Powler hates me." He smiles at me warmly before looking down at the sidewalk. We reach school just as the bell rings. "Oh frick, I'm gonna be late for Homeroom. Bye Pete!" He waves.


That day, I was walking home from school when I heard a familiar thwip behind me. I turned around to see the mysterious web-slinger walking up to me.

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while." He said.

I nodded. "Yeah."

His voice had that obviously fake accent attached to it, trying to sound older and more New-Yorkish.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm okay."

There was an uncomfortable silence for a couple of seconds. Strings of letters filled my head, trying to think of something, anything to say. He found something first. "I need to tell you something." I swallowed, dreading what he might have to say. What could Spider-Man possibly have to say to me?


"I can't do it here, we'll have to go to a more private place." I nodded nervously, feeling like something bad was about to happen. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to the top of a building. We stood together for a moment. I waited silently. He took a deep breath and started to talk. His accent broke, along with his voice.

"I've been thinking about this for a long time. I've wanted to tell you ever since-"

"Peter Benjamin Parker! How did it take you this [redacted] long to admit you were Spider-Man?"

"W-What? How'd you-?"

"You ditch class and our plans 24/7, mix web fluid in class, don't even have a voice synthesizer for your suit, and Ned is terrible at covering things up. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well frick." He pulled off his mask, a surprised smile on his face. "Wow."

"Don't insult my intelligence, webhead." 

It's All You // Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now