Chapter 12

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I'm still not over FFH fight me

Thanks for 400 reads!!



N/D/N= New dog name


Yesterday on It's All You:

"He went out last night to try and catch those guys, right? I don't know where he is!" Ned said.

"What!?" I asked, dread rising up inside me.

Ned got a call. "Peter! Where are you, man?"

My stomach dropped and I grabbed the phone from him. "Peter, are you okay!? Where are you?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine, tell Ned-" Someone grabbed the phone from me this time. It was Liz. She was asking him what was going on, etc. A man working our station asked her to put it on the conveyor belt, and the phone went dead.


Michelle rang the buzzer. "Zero." She said.

She was right, of course.

"Midtown High takes the championship!" The mediator said, setting off massive cheers from the crowd. I hugged her from her spot next to me, and soon everyone else was hugging her, too. She smiled.

After we won, we went to the Washington Monument for an activity. I didn't want to go on, mostly because of the 'built by slaves' thing, but Ned practically dragged me on.

Everything was fine, until it wasn't.

The guide was going on about the history of the thing when there was a humongous crash, and the elevator stopped. I was pushed against the wall by the force of it. "What's happening!?" I asked. The guide proceeded to tell us that the safety systems would work fine, and that we were all safe.

Then we tried to get out. Most everyone was out already, except for me, Ned, Liz and Flash. Flash was getting out, bringing the trophy with him, and then the elevator started to fall. He scrambled to safety, all of us falling. I hugged Ned and Liz, holding them tight, ready to say goodbye. The sound of broken glass reached my ears, and we stopped abruptly.

Peter was there, holding us up by his webs. Slowly, he pulled us up. Relief washed over me, and I sat down and put my head in my hands. We filed out slowly, one at a time so as not to damage the elevator even more. Everyone was out, except for me.

Then the elevator fell again. I was going to die, right here, without saying goodbye to my parents, or MJ, or telling Peter how I felt-

A web caught me by the hand and my heart caught in my throat. Peter pulled me up toward the floor. He held me for a moment and I panted, crying into his shoulder. He put me on the ground before turning upside down. I was still shaking uncontrollably, tears in my eyes. We stared at each other for a moment before his web snapped and he fell down the shaft.

"Are you really friends with Peter Parker?" Flash yelled down the shaft, holding his trophy. I hit him on the arm, mad that he'd have the audacity to ask something after we'd almost died.

When we got on the ground I ran to MJ, who had been pacing erratically. "I'm so glad you're okay. I thought- I thought-"

"I'm fine, I'm okay." We hugged tightly.


We met our parents that night. My mom and dad almost killed me by hug, and I almost killed Peter, just because. "Oh my god, you can't just do that, Peter, you know? You have people that care about you, I care about you-" He hugged me tightly, and I returned it, both of our eyes watering slightly. I breathed the scent on his sweatshirt, trying to calm myself down.

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