Chapter 16

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I just watched ep. 2 of Stranger Things 3 and I am   s h o o k , Max and Elle being bffs is life

I'm slowly being sucked into Tomdaya but I don't wanna be disrespectful crap

(sorry for the no-no words lmao)



Yesterday on It's All You:

"So, I was thinking, and I guess this goes without saying, but... would you want to go to Homecoming with me?" He asked, looking into my eyes. He bit his top lip, waiting for an answer. 



  "...And then we kissed," I finished telling Michelle about my encounter with Peter, again. We were in English.

  "That's great! He finally womaned-up, then?" 

  "Yeah. He was driving me nuts!" 

  "Let me be your wing-woman when you ask him to Homecoming." 

  "He already asked me, this morning!" 

  "Oh, well then."

  The halls seemed quiet as I reached my locker before second period. Peter was there, smiling at me with his geography books in his hands. 

  "Hey, (Y/N)! I've been waiting for you for forever! You'll never believe what Mr. Harrington said yesterday in science!"

   I smiled. "I'm in your science class, Pete. Whatever Mr. Harrington said, I'm sure I caught it." 

  "No, I'm pretty sure you were in the bathroom. Someone mentioned that they were doing a poem for English and Mr. Harrington said 'Tabitha was a great poet. She said I was 'ruining her energy', so she left." Peter finished with a hunched back and a sad, monotone voice that accurately mimicked our science teacher.

   I laughed, feeling a little bad. "Okay, you're right, that was pretty sad."

   He simply shrugged and stepped aside to let me pass. 


   I guffawed and covered my face with my hands. "God, Peter, you have to stop doing that."

  While sitting at our table at lunch, Ned sat across from me, Peter next to him and Michelle nearly a table over. I had not sat across from MJ for a specific reason today, and that reason was evidently turning to dust. I hadn't factored in Ned being so close to Peter at lunch, which was stupid because he sat like this every day. 

  I tapped a finger on my lunch tray nervously, trying to come up with a time when Peter and I would be alone. Decathlon practice would be too crowded, and there was no way I would let Flash hear me ask Peter out. I could always catch him after class, but the halls would be packed with people... 

  "Hey, are you okay (Y/N)? You look like Peter when he sees you in the morning." Ned was leaning across the table to see what I was doing. 

  "I don't look like that, you look like that when you see Betty!" Peter said, fidgeting with his ham sandwich. 

  I laughed shyly and took a french fry from my plate. "You do look like that, Ned."

   "Don't avoid the question, (Y/N)!" I took a bite of pizza and covered my mouth with a fist. "I was just zoning out. I'm super tired today."

   "Like every day?"

   "Yes, Ned, like every day. Don't pretend like you don't sympathize with Gen Z culture, too." MJ laughed from her table, a low, quiet sound, like someone chuckling at a rude joke. Ned retreated behind his carton of milk.

   An idea came to me just then. "Hey Peter, do you want to get a sub after school?" Peter looked up at me for a second, eyes flashing with an unreadable expression before turning back to their usual bright twinkle.

   "Yeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeah.(I hate myself 0:23 on the video in the external link) I just gotta get some stuff out of my locker and we'll go." 

  "Nice!" I bit my lip, smiling to myself.


  "So that was your idea of a date? What the heck was that?" Michelle whispered.

   "I don't know, okay? It's a very stressful thing to do, Michelle. Have you even had a crush on anyone before?" I whispered back, leaning toward her to make sure our conversation wasn't heard.


  "Leonardo DiCaprio does not count."


  I was waiting outside the school when Peter came running out, looking distressed. "Pete! Hey, you all right?" I asked, stepping in front of him. He looked relieved at the sight of me. 

  "Oh thank goodness. I thought you went without me, I took so long."

   "Eh, it's fine. Doing Spidey stuff?" I asked. 

  Peter nodded. "Yeah."

   We walked over to Mr. Delmar's shop, the door jingling as we walked inside. "Hey Mr. Delmar!" Peter and I said in unison.

   "Hey, Peter, (Y/N)!" We walked into the small deli, and I let Peter order for us. I went to pet Murph, Mr. Delmar's pet.

   "Oh, I just wanna cuddle you 'till I die." I said, hugging the cat. Peter smiled at me, sliding a ten dollar bill to Mr. Delmar as he did so.

   "It's ready!" Peter said, handing me a sandwich. 

  "Thanks, Pete. Bye, Mr. D! See you later!" 

  "Have a good afternoon!" He called. 

  Peter and I walked down to Flushing Meadows park to eat. By the time we got there it was three-thirty and I was famished. We sat down on a sheet we'd bought at a street-side vendor. The weather outside was cool but nice, the fall air comfortable. The sky was bright and blue, a few puffs of cotton stretched against the sky. Green trees swayed in the soft breeze. 

  Peter unwrapped his sandwich and took a bite. He smiled, enjoying the sub. "Vis is really goof" He said with a mouth full of turkey. I smiled and bit into mine. He was right, it was. We sat there for a moment before Peter cleared his throat. "So, what time should I pick you up? For Homecoming?" 

  I smiled, absolutely giddy. "Five is good. We can um, have dinner then. At Elizabeth's, maybe?" 

  "Italian sounds great!" He said, smiling. He sounded breathless, like I felt.

   "We should uh, probably go. The sun's getting low." I looked to the horizon to find he was right. The sky had turned a vibrant orange, soon to be followed by purples and pinks. "I'll walk you home, OK?"

   I nodded and we packed our things. The darkening streets were still as we walked to my house. "You think your mom will let me sleep over anymore?" Peter asked. 

  "Not a chance," I replied, smiling. 

  "Hey, Peter?" 


  "Can you stay? For a minute?" 

  "I'd, um, like that." So we stood, cheeks stinging in the cold night air, looking into each other's eyes. Eventually, Peter shifted. "I have to go. May will be wondering where I am." 

  I nodded. He left a long, lingering kiss on the base of my jaw. "Have a good night, (Y/N)." 

  "Have a good night, Peter." 

  After I closed the door I let out a large sigh and slid down the back of it. I leaned my head on it, beaming, absolutely exhausted. Now I understood why people did this in movies.

   My dog was already at the door, licking my legs and sniffing my face for an apparent change in scent. I just hoped my parents didn't have that good of hearing, or smell for that matter. 

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