chapter 11: being a prince

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Hi hi my wishes! This is going to be a longish chapter. I hope you enjoy! Also, I plan to start another story soon, and I I have ideas, but it would be nice to hear whAt my readers want. Please.message me with ideas. I will dedicate a story to you if I use your idea, that way people know who's idea it was.this story is all me, but it's dedicated to my best friend because she showed me wattpad.also, if you want to be in a chapter or story, ask me. If I approve, I will ask you questions. You may not be put in right away, but you will,hopefully not have to wait more than a month. Enjoy!

Zero pov.

I ran home. My parents were in a business trip, so Eric was taking care of me. I ran in and found Eric was cleaning. "Eric, can you help me?"I asked."with what?" He said not looking up from sweeping. The hardwood floors."I...I want to become a prince...." I said. Eric stopped and ran off, he came back with two thick books." Ever since that terra girl showed up, I've been writing these for you. You spent so much time with her, I figured that, sometime in high school, you would like to be a prince." He explained. I sweatdropped, he had been planning this for 4years? My brother is creepy... he opened the first book and had me look at it."chapter one: clothes." He said. I nodded ed d."to be a prince,you must look like prince. Your hair will be fine. But..loose the chains." I took the chains off my jeans."tighten your tie." I pulled the dreadful thing up to my neck were it should be." Put your collar down, no popping it up." I folded down n my collar. "Tuck in your shirt." I tucked my shirt in. Then looked at a full body mirror down the hall. I looked like a good student. It was sickening to look at.

My brother came up beside me."smile." He said. I gave a half hearted smile." No, give a good smile!" I sighed Nd smile happily, I copied terra's smile in a way. "Now, show,kindness in your eyes." Eric said. I sighed and thought of terra as I did my new smile. "Great! Next part is your voice, get rid of that icy edge." I sighed. " ice...Kindness..." I said over and over again until I managed to get it right."Ok,next, is how to prince."eric said. "How do I do that?" I asked normally. I mentally remind e d myself to sound nice later."compliments."eric said."so..tell her that she looks nice?" Not just that. You need to pYthon close attention to her. I if she gets a hair cut, say something like ' you got a haircut?you look even cuter than you w e 're before.' Be careful how you say things, you don't want to seem like your calling her ugly yesterday." I nodded." And try to complement her everyday. MAke sure to compliment others, but not as much"I nodded e the looks of it, I would,need the books. "Be nice to everyone.or try to be.laugh at stupid all the time.volunteer to do things in class."Eric kept giving me .list. being a prince was s going to be harder than I thought.

The next day at school, I was waiting for terra at the front gate. My tie was tight, my collar was down,my shirt was tucked in, and I wasn't wearing chains. I tried to keep a small on, but it was hard.Eric said that I could,get away with my messy hair. So it still feel into my eyes. I kept reminding myself to compliment terra today, and one or two other people. Eric also told me to offer to walk her home and carry her beg if she had lots of homework. I saw terra soon and quickly smiled kindly. I thought of anything kind that I could, and I think that there was.Kindness in my eyes. Terra was in her uniform, it was changed up today too. Instead of blue leggings, she had red ones.and she wore a tie with Looney toons on it. Totally terra. She looked a t me up,and down."did you get hit by a train and loose your badboyness or is this a dare? hit your head and lost your memory and think your good boy rights"she said. I chuckled kindly. My voice sounded kind, and I forced my icy tone out of my voice."no no, I just thought that I would be nice." I smiled kindly. I look ed x at her and couldn't think of anything to compliment, so, I took a risk." You seem to get cuter each time I see you." Eric had told me. That this was a risky move, but I could use it. Terra smiled her heartwarming smile."thank you!" I got a point. I'm coding pretty good!. "Morning!~" I heard a new, but familiar, voice behind me say. I turned and saw Raciel. I gave h r r a smile and decie d d to compliment her as well." Good morning Raciel, your hair looks nice like always." Raciel seemed to be hiding something behind her smile. The bell rang."to classes my minions!" Terra said before dragged us to class.

I tried my best to joke around and act princely all day. I even offered to help the teacher cleans up the classroom. Luckily, Terra joined me out of her own freewill. She seemed to have had fun. It was the end of the day and school had let out, I got my things and went to terra's locker."hi terra, could I walk you home?" I asked smiling. After making terra smile and laugh so much today f even tho she.smiles all the time) my smile was filled with real kindness. "Sure! But..I love 2 miles away...."she said. "We can walk if you want I doubt nth mind, ill cArry your bag do r you if you want me too." I almost begged. Terra looked thoughtful. She bit her.lower lip and stared up, then smiled at me."Ok then!" I took her bag from her and carried it in my hands because my backpack was on my back. Terra's backpack wasn't to heavy, so it wasn't hard to carry it. We laughed and joked all the way to her house. Once we reached her house, I gAve her back her backpack."thanks for walking me home Zero! Want to come in?" She asked smiling. I nodded quickly."yes please." Terra lead me into her house. I looked around found a clock. It was around 7...we took a long time walking to her house."hey, would you mind if I call d day brother to come pick me up?" I asked. Terra shook her head."the phone is down the hall. Are you hungry?" I nodded.Terra nodes and left for what.looked like kitchen. I went to the end of the hall and picked up the phone and called Eric."hello?"Eric said the e w the phone."hey Eric, I walked terra home, but it was longer thAn I thought it was, I'm T her house now, think you could come pick me up?" Eric had said yes. I. Told him the address. I mAde sure thAt I remembered it, I didnt want to forget incase I walked her home again.Eric said that he would be. There in 15 minutes. In that 15 minutes I got tour of the house, met her parents and ate cheese and crackers.Eric came and picked me.up. on my way bAck home, I told Eric how everything went. He said that I did good. "But, think you can do that for the years to come?" I thought." If it's for terra....for her to like me...ill try..."

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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