chapter 12:terra's view

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Hi,remember the last chapters, this will be terra's view of it. Enjoy!

Terra's pov.

I walked into school and saw zero. I almost burst out laughing. He looked like a prince in a way.his hair was still messy, but his tie was on tightly, and his shirt was tucked in neatly. He wasn't wearing chains on his jeans today. I asked him lots of questions about what happened. And he laughed, kindly, and spoke,kindly. Not a hint of coldness in his voice. I kept laughing at that. He held doors open for me, and offered to buy me lunch. He hasn't done that since I was shoved into my locker.he kept complimenting me, and sometimes Raciel, who seemed to be getting a kick out of this. At the end of the day, Raciel winked at me and left.that meant that tomorrow, I need to be ready for her evil plan. As I was. Getting my things, Prince Zero came over."could I walk you home?" He asked. I lived really far away for walking. I told him. "It's ok, I can walk that far." I looked like he was begging to o take me home."alright." I smiled at him. "Great, ill cArry your bag."he smiled brightly. Not just kindly, brightly. I nodded and handed him my bag. I didn't tell him that when I walk. Home, I take detours and it becomes longer to walk, but he didn't seemed to mind. Once at. My house I invited him in. He bhai borrowed the house phone, I guess he forgot his cell phone today, and called his brother to come pick him up. After that, I introduced him to my parents, gave him tour, and ate cheese Nd crackers with him. Then Eric came to pick him up.he left and I went to bed, tried from such a funny day

This is terra's view of Zero from chapter 11

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