Chapter 32

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I looked up at Omer. I found him glaring at them. "I don't want to go back there. I want to stay here with you." My words caught his attention. He looked down at me with such a torn look. It was clear how much he was internally struggling. I know he didn't put me in there for anything other than concern. I know that he cares. He told me he loves me. I know he does. I never blamed him for his choices. If I was in his shoes, I would have done the same thing.

Still holding me, he turned his attention to Dr. Miller. "Is she a danger to herself?"

"Cora, still hasn't completed the program, Mr. Aslan. She still has alot-"

"Answer my question." He was losing his temper.

"No. She is no longer a danger to herself. Although she still-"

"That's all I needed to know, Doctor." He looks down at me once again. I could see the determination. His hand caresses my cheek softly. Like I'm something that could break at any moment. "You're staying here with me. I'm not letting you go again."

"I love you." I said. He wiped the tears off with his thumb.

"I love you too."

"Mom?" I stepped out of his arms and looked at Chloe who just entered the room. Marcus followed her closely with other guards. She has tears in her eyes, but then she notices Dr. Miller and his men. "No. You can't let her go back. Dad. Please. She has to be here with us." She begs Omer. "She's okay now. I know it. Just listen for second okay? She could go to therapy as many times a week as you want. You know like regular people? That way she can still be with us. You told me we're in danger. Wouldn't it be safer for her to be here-"

"Chloe." Omer warns, stopping her rant.

I pull away from him. "Danger? What danger?"

"It's nothing you need to worry about now. I'm handling it."

I gave him a confused look. "What's going on, Omer? I deserve to know."

"John." Omer ordered. John immediately escorted everyone out, leaving behind only Omer, Chloe, and I.

"So?" I ask him.

"The plane crash wasn't an accident."

"How do you know that? Hold on, how did you survive?"

"I got a warning call before I boarded. Someone warned me that there was a bomb placed in the plane."

"A bomb? How-"

"I don't know. I had packages on there. We called the authorities. Two men came and looked for it, but they couldn't find anything. I told the pilot he could leave without me when Chloe didn't show up. The plane exploded after only 1000 feet into the air. We just found that that the men that checked the plane weren't from the bomb squad. It was a set up. We check security surveillance, there's no trace if them being there.We also traced the warning call to a pay phone in New York City. There's no trace of who could've done it, who those men were, or who called in the warning."

"Oh my gosh. Someone wants us dead?" Chloe exclaimed.

"I don't know. The FBI is getting involved. They're trying to figure everything out. So far they have no leads. I'm waiting for a clear to go home. I hired more guards, the cops will be survilancing it around the clock until something comes up. In the mean time, we need to stay here and wait for the clear."

My mind was doing cartwheels. Who...? Then realization set in. The only person I know capable of murder was... I don't know what her plan was, but I'm sure it was her. I was more than sure. She's out for revenge. "Omer, can I use your phone?"

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