Chapter 17

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Chole patiently sits on the sofa in my office. I knew she would be bored here with me, but she insisted on coming with me. I would love to take the day off, but work doesn't do itself. The mounts of paperwork I needed to sign show proof of that. It was hard getting it done when my mind continously went to the picture of Omer and Veronica. The more I thought about it, the more frustrated I got.

I slammed the pen down a little too harshly, startling Chole. "Sorry." I apologized.

"It's okay. Is this about bambi?"

I laughed. "Bambi?"

"That guy at breakfast today. He kept talking about someone. Sounded like an ex to me."

I nod. "Her name is Veronica. She's Omer's ex-fiance, to be precise."

"Damn, that's deep."

"Tell me about it."

"Well, if it counts for anything. You're prettier."

I laugh again. "You don't even know what she looks like."

"No, but I think if Omer chose you, you must be better than her."

I smiled at that, more of a polite one than a sincere one. She doesn't know any better. I sit next to her, changing the subject. "Chloe. I know we don't know each other. Maybe everything is happening so fast for you. But Omer and I already consider you as part of our family. I know you see all the glam and riches when you see us, but this life is hard. This life can turn you into a complete monster if you don't know how to handle it. I think it's best to keep you out of the media for now. I don't want to put you out there like that."

"I get it." She smiled. "Last time when your driver ran me over-"


"Yeah, him. It got crazy. All those people taking pictures. It's weird."

"I know. You're going to be seen with us now. They are bound to ask questions and take unnecessary pictures of you. So when you are with us. We will just say that your Andrea's assistant. Andrea has been with me for a long time. Paparazzi never pays any attention to her. So it's the perfect cover for now. Is that okay?"

"Yeah. If that works. I know I have to get used to this, don't I?"

"Omer and I never want to take your choice away. If for any reason you don't feel comfortable with us and our life. You just tell me. But if you feel like you can fit in with us. Tell me too and we'll go from there."


Andrea walks in with her tablet in hand. "The board is in the meeting room now." I nod.

"Andrea, can you please set up a meeting with Cassie whenever she's available? Also, Set up interviews with a couple of home school teachers."

"On it." She types away. "Also, I need to inform you that Mr. Blair is a little intoxicated in there. I could remove him from the meeting if neccessary."

"He's drunk at work?" I shake my head in disappointment. "Leave him. I'll deal with it." At that she turns away to continue working. I turn to Chloe. "Just grab my laptop. And throughout the meeting pretend your typing. Okay? That way you're not bored here."

"This is like Acting 101. So cool." She says as she grabs my laptop.

We both enter the meeting room. I pull an extra chair for her to sit next to me. "Mrs. Alsan." They all greet.

"Hello, everyone. Before we begin, I'd like to introduce you to Chole. She is Andrea's assistant. She'll be helping me today." They all nod in a silent greeting to her.

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