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50 years later...

I stepped outside the sliding doors. The pool was special, but what caught my attention was the clear blue sea behind it. It was so smoothing. So calm. It almost seemed magical. The sun was shining brighter than any other day. The breeze wasn't harsh, like it knew today had to be perfect.

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me. I knew who it was by his smell. His intoxicating smell that still makes my heart beat after decades together. "You took long enough." I complained.

"Your daughter wouldn't hang up." Omer explained while groaning annoyed.

I laughed. "Why is she only my daughter when she annoys you?"

"Because that exactly how you are." He said playfully. After so much time together Omer has become playful and cheerful, Chloe says it's old age, but I just see his happiness.

"So you're saying, that I annoy you?" I looked up at him.

"Of course not, honey." He winked.

I slapped his arm lightly. "Sure..." I empathized knowing that he's lying. I do tend to annoy Omer from time to time, but only because he refuses to go back to go visit our kids in Florida. His excuse is that they all bicker all the time, and he only wants me to himself. As if he doesn't become pudgy in our grandchildren's hands when they call him 'Baba' or 'Büyük baba'. (Father, or Grandfather). "So what did she talk about this time?"

"To see how we are. What we are doing? If we miss them? If they can come visit? It's the third time today and it's not even two yet." He complained.

"What did you say?"

"I hung up on her. And unplugged the phone line."

I laughed at that. "You know she's just going to fly here if we don't answer right?"

"No. Marcus will stop her. I knew I liked him the moment they got together."

"Really? I couldn't tell by the beating you gave him when you found out they were dating."

"That was just a warning."

"Of course it was." I rolled my eyes. "Did any of our other children call?" I referred to the five more we adopted. Eric, Isla, Fang, Gülizar, and Rafael. Chloe used to joke that everytime Omer and I visited a country we came back with a son or daughter. We adopted all of them in their teenage years. The ones no one ever wants to adopt. Now they all equally run the company we merge together, Aslan Verdell International.

"They email and text like regular people. Plus, they are all coming next month for the holiday's."

"I always forget about that."

He turned me around in his arms. His white hair seemed to grow even whiter each day. We nearly match except for the few gray strands I have. The probe wrinkles on his face didn't take away just how handsome he still looked with age. To think we had no idea where we would be when we started our marriage.

"What you thinking?" He caressed my face.

"How great we lived our life. We have children that love us. Grandchildren who adore us. This is our happily ever after."

"Is it everything you wanted?"

"So much more." I said. "Remember when you turned down my proposal?" I asked him remembering when he kicked me out of his office refusing to acknowledge my plans of marriage.

He chuckled. "Yes. I remember."

"Then you showed up with our lawyers, a notary, and told me and I quote, 'You wanted a marriage? Sign.' Oh, how romantic you were." I said sarcastically.

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