The End Where She Began

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Kiara is walking home from working as a waitress at the coffee shop when all of a sudden she's grabbed from behind by the neck and slammed against a hard muscular chest.

"Let me leave or else I will kill this innocent woman!" Yells the man holding Kiara captive.

Kiara works to keep her face neutral but inside she feels thrilled, finally I won't have to live on this planet and I won't have to feel guilty about my death since it's not by my own hand.

"So you wish to die eh?" Whispers a masculine voice. "Well unfortunately for you, I want to cause you maximum pain which means I won't be killing you after all. I will do something much worse." Kyran chuckles softly. His hand starts glowing a bright golden light above Kiara's head and starts mumbling words that she cannot understand. Her head fills with intense heat and she starts to moan in pain.

"Stop what you are doing right now or I will shoot you!" Yells a cop pointing a gun at the mans head. Kyran doesn't even blink as he simply ignores the man. Just as he finishes the spell, he decides that he's bored of playing with the cop. He simply snaps his fingers and the cop drops like a rock into a deep sleep since he doesn't feel like killing anyone tonight.

Kiara is struggling to stay upright as her knees shake slightly from exhaustion "What did you do to me? And why did you decide to let me live instead of killing me like you said you would?"

Kyran laughed at her "I can read minds Kiara and I heard that you wanted to die so I simply gifted you with an extremely specific form of luck. This will not prevent anyone else from dying or cause anyone else to die outside your natural ability to kill but it will prevent you from dying in any way that isn't from old age. Since you wish to die so much, I thought this would be the perfect way to torture you! Now you will be forced to live out your miserable life and I get to watch!"

"What the fuck? That's messed up! I hate you so much right now!" Kiara shoves him as hard as she could which only moves his shoulders a little bit since she's pretty weak from the spell. Plus he's a lot stronger than her on a good day. "I'll make you pay for this! I swear on my life you'll regret cursing me this way!"

Kyran Xander smiles flirtatiously "Good luck with that beautiful" and he winks before vanishing into the night.

Kiara takes a few deep calming breaths and looks at the cop lying unconscious on the ground. She bends down to check his pulse. It's beating steadily so she takes out her phone and calls for 911 to get an ambulance to come help but since she doesn't feel like dealing with the paramedics who are no doubt on the way she decides to ducks into the shadow and stays a few minutes to make sure he's alright before she leaves to continue walking home. He couldn't have actually made me immune to unnatural deaths could he? I've gotta test this theory out Kiara thinks to herself. The only thing that's kinda hard to decide is how to attempt to do it because Kiara never could decide how she'd wanna die which is why she never ended up attempting suicide before.

Kiara is standing at the edge of the roof of an abandoned apartment building in a grimy part of town looking out at the landscape of the city skyline. It looks beautiful, what a perfect last sight before her death. She closes her eyes, turns around and allows herself to fall backwards off the building. She feels calm and peaceful hoping that she will die quickly and as painless as possible. Unfortunately she lands on the soft body of a man standing on the ground with a gun pointed towards his ex girlfriend that he was holding hostage.

"Omg are you alright?!" Yells the young woman who was scared for her life just moments prior.

Kiara groans in pain as she stands up and looks at the man she landed on who is currently passed out. "Yes it appears that other than being a little sore, that I am unharmed from the fall, " unfortunately she adds in her head.

"You saved my life btw! That is my ex boyfriend Mark and he was going to shoot me because he couldn't let me live without him after I broke up with his lying cheating ass" reveals the young brunette. "I'm going to call the cops so they can arrest him. Would you mind staying with me until they come in case he wakes up and tries to hurt me again?"

"Of course! I wanna make sure that scumbag doesn't actually hurt you" soothed Kiara as she took the young girls hand and gently squeezed it as a sign of support. "I'm Kiara, what's your name?"

"I'm Nova, nice to meet you Kiara."

Little did Kiara know that this night was the start of her new career as a superhero and her path to learning how to love her new gift that will prevent her from ending her life prematurely.

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