Meeting Bruce

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After training finished, Tony and Kiara walked to Bruce's lab to coax him into eating a real meal and to take a much needed break. Kiara is really excited about meeting Bruce, the sweet genius scientist, who also happens to turn into a huge giant green dude! Even though most people are afraid of his alter ego, Kiara isn't because she understands that Hulk is just as good as Bruce is, he just has less inhibitions to restrain his reactions to his anger than most people do.

"Bruce! I've come down to introduce you to our newest recruit, Kiara! I met her yesterday when I went out to deal with the Big Foot incident which ended surprisingly quickly with her help so I had to ask her to join the team. She doesn't know how she got her powers and we aren't exactly sure what they are but they appear to change depending on the danger she's facing in order to keep her alive. For example, she doesn't have super strength normally but she put her hands up and held the monster's foot above her head in order to save a person who would've been accidentally stepped on!" Tony informs Bruce enthusiastically.

Bruce smiles at Tony's enthusiasm "Wow that's pretty interesting" he turns to face Kiara, "Nice to meet you, Kiara. I'm Bruce Banner. Would you mind if I do an analysis of your abilities and see how it affects your body? It might help us figure out how to help you in case you ever get hurt while working with us. I'm the unofficial first aid guy when we are on a mission until the official first aid people show up."

"Nice to meet you Bruce! I've read some of your papers and I'm so impressed by your work! I'm not as academically inclined as you are but I love keeping up with your research since it's really interesting learning about science from your perspective. Sure! I think it'll be really great to find out what happens to my body when it's using these mysterious abilities that I've acquired."

"Now that the introductions are outta the way, JARVIS? Order the usual Banner extravaganza." Tony says and Jarvis promptly orders all the usual food which is a mix of 3 different restaurants. It consists of Greek, Indian and Italian food.

Once everyone has their plate full of food, they sit at the table and dig in, enjoying the way all the different foods taste. After everyone enjoys their food in a comfortable silence, they all decide to allow each person ask a question that everyone has to answer honestly but if they are too uncomfortable answering, they are allowed to pass and instead say something else that's personal about themselves.

Tony: Let's start off with an tough question, if you were in a situation where you had to choose whether or not to save someone you hated but it put your life in danger or save yourself what would you do and why? Bruce wanna go first?

Bruce: It would be tough to decide because of the Hulk, he'd probably come out and override my choice if I come too close to being in danger but I guess I'd probably try anyways. It doesn't matter how terrible the other person is, they should have a chance to live and maybe change for the better.

Kiara: I'd probably try to save them as well but for a different reason. I think death is the easy way out and since the people I hate tend to be really terrible, I'd want them to stay alive until they live out their punishment whether it be in jail or by living with their guilt. Plus it helps that I'm not allowed to die unless it's from old age so I know I'd be able to survive whatever situation is thrown at me.

Tony: Very interesting answers, I guess I'd have to agree with you both. I'd definitely try to save them to a certain extent but ultimately my life is my first priority over someone I hate so I'd definitely let them die if the situation was too dangerous to survive.

Bruce: On that note, let's go with a lighter topic, what food could you not live without?

Kiara: Definitely cheesecake! There's a flavour for every occasion. She sighs happily at the memory of how good cheesecake tastes.

Tony: Cheeseburgers! It was all I craved when I was stuck in Afghanistan. I never felt so happy eating one than when I finally got back in town and literally ate one during a conference meeting.

Bruce: I'd say mango sorbet. It's so refreshing as a snack or when I'm feeling stressed out.

Kiara was about to ask her question when the elevator opened, the sounds of multiple people talking floating into the room.

"You're back awesome timing! We got our Banner extravaganza tonight so there's plenty of food for you all if you're hungry from your mission! Come meet our newest team member; her name is Kiara! She just recently got her powers, not sure want to call them but they helped save a woman from being crushed to death by a big foot type monster! She's so badass, didn't even flinch or hesitate! Just threw herself into the situation and handled it like a boss."

Kiara laughs embarrassed by Tony's compliments, "Awe stop! It was just instinct to try to help since I knew I'd be ok" she grins at Tony before turning her attention to the Avengers. "It's so nice to meet you all! I'm looking froward to working together to kick ass and take names!"

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