Self Harm Isn't Only Cutting

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Since she met that man who cursed her with the inability to die, Kiara's been testing her abilities and seeing if she can find a way to die. Somehow having the ability to die taken away from her, has made her more suicidal rather than less like you'd expect. So far she's tried overdosing, binge drinking and even went as far as trying to stop eating all together but of course that didn't work and she had to eat because it raised a red flag to the other Avengers which really sucked.


I was going on the 14th day of fasting when I walked into the living room to see how everyone was doing. Surprisingly, everyone was there, including Bruce.

"Kiara! We just finished making brunch for an impromptu brunch party come join us!" Tony invites.

Kiara freezes for a second, weighing her options, if she says no to eating they'll prompt her to eat but if she eats then she ruins her plan to attempt to starve herself to death. Fuck this is annoyingly hard. Maybe I'll just sit there and not actually eat anything. Upon deciding what to do, she smirks and replies "Sure! That sounds great."

Unbeknownst to her all the Avengers were breathing a sigh of relief that she agreed to eat with them. Tony had asked Jarvis to monitor Kiara's overall health and knew she hasn't eaten for 14 days. He knew that her body would keep her alive but that didn't make him feel any better knowing that she was purposely harming her body so he reached out to the rest of the team to stage an intervention to talk to Kiara about her worrying behaviour. If only they knew the true extent of her problems.

They go to the buffet style food arrangement that is filled with wide variety of food. There's everything from bacon to fresh cut fruit to hollandaise sauce for making Eggs Benedict. There's even a nice assortment of French pastries. Everyone digs in and grabs food while secretly trying to make sure Kiara eats too. Kiara is internally panicked about breaking her fast as she nervously grabs a small plate and adds a few strawberries, some kiwi, mango and a handful of green grapes. She takes a cup of unsweetened iced green tea with her to the table and looks at her plate hesitantly. Trying to build up her nerve, she sips on her iced tea and looks at the rest of the team settling back in their seats to begin eating. She knows that she has to eat something or else she will look suspicious and have to explain herself which is not ideal. She hates lying to people, it's one thing to hide her self destructive thoughts and actions but it's another thing to outright lie about something to someone she respects.

"Are you not feeling well?" Asks Natasha concerned.

"I'm alright just not feeling really hungry right now." Replies Kiara.

Natasha looks to Tony for help. She gives him that look that says, she's lying and we all know it, could you say something to let her know we know. Tony being as astute as he is, gets all that from her look and decides to intervene.

"You've gotta be feeling at least a little hungry. Jarvis monitors everyone's health and has keep me informed that you haven't eaten in 14 days now. I don't mean to invade yours or anyone else's privacy and you are an adult but I'm worried about your wellbeing. It's not healthy to go so long without eating especially since you are a working such a demanding job. Even with your powers which have been keeping your body safe it's not a good idea to continually push the limits of your body like this; It's self harm."

Kiara looks like she got punched in the face at the end of his monologue. "I didn't realize that I was causing anyone to worry about me enough to intervene. I appreciate that you all care about me, really I do, and I will eat today. I was honestly planning to just see how long I could keep this up," she looks down in embarrassment "I didn't think it was a big deal because my body won't let me die anyways."

This causes alarm bells to go off in all their heads, promoting Bruce to quietly ask "Are you trying to kill yourself?" Contrary to popular belief, asking won't make a person feel suicidal which is why he felt comfortable asking directly.

Kiara looks shocked by that question "Wh-uh am I that obvious?" She cringes feeling uncomfortable.

"How long have you felt this way?" Bruce asked.

"For a few years but it got worse once I got my powers. Once I knew I couldn't die unless it was from old age, it made me even more suicidal. I told you I didn't know how I got my powers because I didn't want any of you to know that I struggle with suicidal thoughts. A guy I met one night gave me the powers that I have, I just didn't want you to know I received my powers as a punishment. He read my thoughts and knew I felt suicidal and he said that it would cause me maximum pain. All the times I've saved people, I secretly hoped it would kill me but of course it didn't. I stopped eating because I kinda hoped it would actually work but it doesn't appear to be doing any damage." Kiara looks down at her feet sheepishly.

The team looks concerned about her confession and take a few moments to think of a thoughtful response. Tony is the first one to speak up "That sounds like a really tough situation. Would it be helpful if I check in with you everyday? I haven't personally felt suicidal but I have anxiety attacks so I'd be able empathize with what you're going through."

"Actually yeah that would be great. It's extremely difficult for me to reach out for help but I'd be comfortable talking about my mental health issues if you initiate the conversation." Kiara says gratefully and in that moment she decides to get more food to nourish her body. "I'm gonna get more food, be right back." Then Kiara stands up and walks over to the buffet and sets up 2 classic ham eggs benedicts with a generous amount of hollandaise sauce, 4 pieces of bacon, and Greek yogurt.

Natasha smiles at Kiara "I'm so proud of you for opening up and being vulnerable about what's been really going on and I'm really happy to see that you got more food. I want you to know that I want to check on you as well. Maybe we could do a weekly spa date and give us a chance to get a little TLC?"

Kiara nods enthusiastically "Yes I'd love that!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2019 ⏰

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