New York's New Hero?

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Kiara has 2 days off from work which is great timing because she needs to contemplate her future and what to do about her new "gift" which will prevent her from being able to end her life. Reflecting on last night she feels pretty good about the fact that her failed suicide attempt saved Nova from her asshole ex boyfriend. Maybe she can use this as a chance to save other people from the evil that exists in the world and maybe she'll be able to make that jerk regret cursing her in the process.

Meanwhile, Kyran decides to mess with his new pet project by sending in a dummy villain to stir up some trouble with Kiara. He creates a large furry big foot look alike and commands it to destroy a few buildings and scare a bunch of humans. It's allowed to injure them but not actually kill them unless he explicitly commands otherwise. Using his powers, he becomes invisible and decides to sit and enjoy the little throw down battle he orchestrated.

Kiara hears people screaming outside of her apartment so she goes to look outside the window and sees big foot?! Omg I should see what I can do to help especially since I'm not able to be killed. I quickly throw on my shoes and my pink bomber jacket before I go out to the emergency fire escape to asses my next move. The big foot creature has dark brown hair and deep sapphire eyes that have a excited gleam in them that make Kiara feel nervous. What is that thing planning to do?! It doesn't appear to be trying to kill anyone luckily. I wonder what will happen if I try to jump on him and try to bring him down? Maybe I'll land on him or maybe if I'm lucky, I'll die! I take a few steps back before I run froward and grab onto the railing and push myself up and over the railing as I throw my body towards the big hairy monster. As luck would have it, I jumped far enough to grab ahold of his upper bicep and then I allow my body to slide down to the ground.

"Everybody stay calm!! I've got everything under control!" I yell out in an attempt to calm all the panicked people running around trying to avoid being stepped on or hurt by the 10 foot tall creature.

Kiara sees Tony Stark flying over to take on the big foot. Before they arrive however, Kiara notices that Big Foot is about to accidentally step on top of a young girl so she runs up to her and puts her hands up above her head while yelling "Get out of the way kid! You're about to get squished underneath this thing's foot!" She braced herself to take on the enormous weight of this creature, and when it puts its weight down on her hands, she realizes that it's not actually too heavy and somehow she's able to hold it off her body?? I guess that's one of the perks of this new super power, she has super strength right now since her life is directly in danger. The creature notices his foot isn't able to touch the ground so he lifts it up and adjusts his stance so he's able to stand properly again. Kiara glances over at Tony Stark standing in a battle position, arms up and aimed at the big hairy creature.

"Good job on saving the kid, but it's time to leave this to the professionals." Tony announces as he shoots, aiming for the head which miraculously causes the creature to explode into a puff of smoke.

Kyran had set up his optical illusion to self destruct as soon as it was attacked by Iron Man because his true goal was just to find out Kiara's character and see if she was the hero type or not. He smiles upon realizing that she is a good person despite her self destructive thoughts and overall pessimism about life. He disappears back to his home in a different part of the universe to relax and figure out his next move where he can keep an eye on his latest pet.

Meanwhile, Tony Stark has decided to find out more about this new potential ally starting with her name. "So your name is Kiara and you somehow don't know how you received or what your abilies are am I correct?"

Kiara nods her head "Yes, all I know is that I seem unable to die in situations that would kill most people. I fell off a building last night and landed on a guy who was about to shoot his ex girlfriend as an act of revenge which saved her life and I just happened to be able to stop myself from being crushed by that huge creature which looked like he was 3 times my weight and should have crushed me but I somehow was able to hold his body weight above my weight in order to save that young girl from being crushed to death. All I know is I wanna see what else I can do and try to save other people using this new gift that I've received." I say feeling pretty confident in my slight fib about my abilities.

Tony looks at me sceptically and says "Right. So you just somehow got powers that prevent you from being able to die and you just decided to help random citizens out of the goodness of your heart without any ulterior motives? Ok let's say I believe you. What is your next move?"

"Well I plan to try to live as normally as possible and just help out whenever I see someone in danger. I don't plan on getting in the way of the Avengers at all and I was thinking maybe we could team up once in a while if we are ever fighting the same enemy?" I say sounding questioningly at the end. I hope he likes me! I'm a big admirer of Tony Stark because he chose to become a hero and rise above all the crap that life had thrown at him instead of cowering away and allowing the kidnapping to destroy him the way it would have done to most men who were raised with a silver spoon in their mouth.

Tony gives her a calculating stare as he decides what to do, luckily she can't see his facial expression because his mask is still covering his face. He doesn't believe her completely but he does believe that she doesn't have any malicious intentions at this point so he decides to take up her offer of alliance if only to keep an eye on her and make sure she's not a threat to his beloved city/home. He lowers his mask so she can see his face, he smiles at her confidently and reaches over to shake her hand, "Thank you for the assistance, I think an alliance would be mutually beneficial so I agree to it on the condition that you move into Stark towers and allow me to test your abilities as I deem necessary. I will put you on the payroll so you can quit your day job and be ready to work at my request."

"You've got a deal Mr. Stark" Kiara says politely smiling at him.

"Call me Tony!" He grins back. I will find out your secret Kiara and if necessary I will bring you down thinks Tony. Ever since he'd been betrayed by Obadiah Stane, he's learned to not underestimate anybody, even the ones who appear to be honourable.

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