I really like you to be completely honest with you! You've been on my mind 24/7!but I'm scared to tell you! I fear that you won't like me back. I wanna text you good morning, good night, how are you, are you ok or are you hungry want me to get you something to eat? I wanna be able to call you mine! I wanna call you my girlfriend to be honest with
you. I promise you I ain't playing no games with you! Your smile, your laugh and your voice just replay in my mind. I know I should just come out with all of this and say all of this stuff to you but there's never a right time! I know I shouldn't be waiting for the right time but at the same time I don't wanna tell you how I feel and make you feel uncomfortable at all! I don't want you to think I'm just rushing things to be no I'm actually taking this slow and steady with you!
A whole bunch of thoughts
Short StoryWelcome to my book! This is not a fanfiction but some events have happened in real life and this is also my way to vent. So enjoy the drama😎 P.S ~ some of these where past events but maybe you can relate to