Dear unsuportive family

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Dear family, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK🖕🏽 IF ANY OF YALL DONT ACEPT THE PERSON I WANT TO DATE! For the longest I've felt trapped and afraid to embrace me and be who I truly felt I was. No treatment or religion will "cure" me. I'm done wearing a mask to cover who I am. I done trying to please every single person in my family. I'm done living through your expectations. At the end of the day you don't have to accept me. I've been going through this all by myself and I'm sure I don't need your judgment or criticism anymore so to those who don't except me, thank you for pretending to give a fuck🖕🏽to someone I wasn't. I'm finally happy with who I am and I am no longer a prisoner of your expectations. I'm no longer trying to fit in the mold you want me to be! I finally have found my self it took me a long time but I'm ready to be ME💯💯


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