Chapter 2

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We were just about to get out the car Andy was getting nervous
Rye: babe there's no need to be nervous
I said giving him another kiss
Andy: yeah I know common than let's go get her
They walked up to the house
Andy: do u know this person
Rye: yeah she's called Linda she used to baby sit me
Andy: oh ok
They knocked on the door
Linda oppend it
Linda: ryan oh how nice it is to see you
Rye: it's nice to see you too, this Andy
Linda: it's very nice to meet you Andy
She said while giving him a hug
Linda: your here to pick up Olivia aren't you
Andy: yeah we are
Linda: who wants to hold her
She said while walking in to the room holding a baby
Who looked like this

VWe were just about to get out the car Andy was getting nervous Rye: babe there's no need to be nervousI said giving him another kiss Andy: yeah I know common than let's go get her They walked up to the house Andy: do u know this personRye: yeah s...

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Andy: OH MY GOSH,she's so cute
He said while putting his hands out to hold her
Linda gives her to him
She cuddles into him
He's so happy right now
I stand there and smile
Linda: she needs to go down for a nap so she may be a bit grumpy
Rye: ok that's ok,thanks for looking after her until we got here
Linda: no problem I am used to it I babysat u at her age
Rye: yeah I know,thanks any way
Linda: no problem
Rye: come on Andy we've go to go
He looked so cute
Andy: ok thanks linda
Linda: no problem honey

Time skip to there about to get in the car
Andy: whos in the back with her
Rye: I know u want to so u can if u want
Andy: yay love u
Rye: love u too
Rye: can u make her milk and get here nappy bag pls while I put her in her seat
Andy: Sure can do

Time skip to when they get to the place we are staying
(They were outside the car)
Andy: OH MY GOSH this looks amazing
Rye: I know right
Andy:come on its nine let's get this little girl to bed
Andy rubbed his eyes
Rye: Andy babe u go for a bath I will get her to sleep
Andy: are u sure
Rye: yes I'm sure
Andy: are the others boys staying her as well
Rye: yeah they won't be here until like 12 tho
Andy: ok well I'm going to go up and have a bath,witch rooms ares
Rye: the biggest one
Andy: ok cya in a bit
Rye: cya love
Andy went in and explored the house while rye was getting Olivia out the car

Hope u guys enjoyed this😊I will post at least once a day,leave some comments if u want to say anything in this story
Go check out my insta account @rt_superfan
It's a RoadTrip fan account😊

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