Chapter 17

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Andys P.O.V

I have just woken up and oliva isn't with us anymore because last night we put her back in her bed after she had fallen asleep
I check the tume and realise its only 6:30
That means i have about an hour and a bit till the boys wake up as they only went back to sleep an hour and a bit ago

I walk down stairs to see brook on the sofa fast asleep
What the hell was he doing down here
I went over to the baby cupboard and made 4 bottles for the boys to have later and put them in the fridge

20 minutes later
I have been in the shower for a good 10 minutes when someone opens the bathroom door
Andy:I'm in here
Rye:I know
Andy:oh good it's only you
Rye:how long you gonna be baby
Andy:not long why
Rye:because I want a cuddle
I step out the shower and rye is there staring at me
Rye:you have no idea how much I want you right now
Andy:come get me than
Rye:oh I will
Rye pushed me against the counter

I don't know if you guys want me to do smut so I'm just going to skip the smut for now.

40 mins later

Me and rye have just,you know in the bathroom. And now I'm downstairs cooking breakfast for everyone where I see rye with Luca in his arm

I aww at the sight

I walk over to them

Andy:oh hey baby boy hows my little monster I say giving him nose kisses

Rye:have we got any milk ready baby?

He says passing luca to me

Andy:yeah in the fridge


I than see brook enter the kitchen crying with livy in his arms

I put Luca in his bouncer wich I had prepared in the kitchen while rye takes livy from him and puts her down

Rye:go and put milkshake on the TV baby

We both rush over over to him

Andy:brooky wants wrong
He didn't talk
Rye:common brook what's happened

Brook looks at us and says

Brook:don't tell them I told u this but Jack and mikey are moving out

What there moving out!

Rye:wait what,really
Brook:yeah jack just told me

He says breaking down even more

Than we see Harper walk in and Harper and brook are together so they instantly go to other
Brooks is still crying while hugging him

Andy: do u think there actually leaving
I say to rye
Rye:I don't know honey were gonna have to see
Andy:rye dont call me that I call you that
Rye:no u don't you actually call me honey-bee
He said teasing me
I playfully stick my tongue out at him
We both chuckle

A few minutes later my phone as well as ryes goes of saying that a baby is crying in Jadyden and Luca's room

Rye:I will go get him
Andy:no I will you got Luca,can u just get his bottle ready?
I say kissing him
Rye:course I can

I go up to Jayden's room and lift him out of the cot

Andy:hey sunshine,how are you today

I changed him and came back down with him and I handed him to rye as rye wanted to feed him

I then sat on the sofa in the living room with oliva in my lap eating her dry cereal

Andy:what have you gor there livy
Oliva:wrise crispiys(rice krispies)
She says in her baby voice
Andy:aww there mummy's favourite

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