Chapter 4

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It was now 4:30
Me and Andy was led on the sofa with Olivia
Rye:fovvs,let's go get changed
Andy:ok but can u pls tell me where were going
Rye: nope it's a surprise
Andy: oh ok
Robbie walked in
Robbie: go on u two I will be here watching her
Andy: thank u

We went up stairs
Andy led on the bed
Andy: I don't have anything to wear
Rye: don't worry I've got somthing,then I pulled this out my draw

We went up stairsAndy led on the bed Andy: I don't have anything to wear Rye: don't worry I've got somthing,then I pulled this out my draw

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(This is the outfit rye choose for andy)

Andy: I love it
Rye: I know u would
They both got changed

Andy: I love it Rye: I know u wouldThey both got changed

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(Rye wearing this)

Rye: u look amazing baby
Andy: thank u,u too babe
Andy came over and kissed me
Rye: I'm gonna go and talk to the boys about what they have to do with liv and then I will come and get u so we can go
Andy: ok don't be long
Rye: I won't
I said while kissing him one more time than i walked out the room and down stairs,were all the boys were
Rye: hi guys
All of the boys:Hi
Rye: me and Andy are going to get going in a minute,u guys know what your doing right
Robbie: yes rye dont worry we will look after her
Rye:u guys need to be there by 7 ok
Jack: yeah ok
Rye: good
I went over and kissed Olivia on the head,as well as whispering "i love u baby"
I said goodbye to the boys and ran upstairs to mine and Andy's room
rye: come on babe let's go
I said as I went over to Andy and wrapped my arms around his waist
Andy: ok I'm coming
We walked down stairs holding hands
Andy: can I quickly go say bye to the boys and Livy
Rye: of course u can,I will be waiting in the car
Andy: ok I will be in in a minute

Time skip to when there arriving at the restaurant

Andy: this looks amazing, u didn't have to do this babe
Rye: well I wanted to,now let's go in
They walked in hand in hand

Sorry for not updating for a while I will try my hardest to update more often,hope u enjoyed this chapter,go check out my insta @rt_superfan pls

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