Chapter 14

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**sensitive subject warning**

Ryes P.O.V

Its half 7 and I have just woken up and Andys still asleep
I decide to take him back to his room so that the nurses dont worry about where he is

I go up to him and pick him up very gently not wanting to hurt the baby

Andy was still fast asleep,when we got to his room
I really need to just get out of the hospital for a while so I am going to just go out for some air before Andy wakes up
I grab my phone becuse it was vibrating with text messages and than I realise it's not my phone its Andy's
His mum was freaking out because Andy was supposed to text her last night but it seems like he forgot I put his phone down and pick up my actual one
I desided to text his mum while I was outside just so she knows hes alright

Rye:hey,Andy's Alright by the way,he was just very tired last night xx
Andy's mum:oh it's alright honey,are you ok xx
Rye:not really it's just a little stressful at the minute and I dont really know what to do about all of itxx
Andy's mum:oh honey you will be ok,I know it may sound very scary right now but I promise you it will get better xx
My phone started to buzz it was Jack
Rye:thanks pjkppjpppis for that I appreciate it,I've got to go Jack's calling me,if anything happends I will call or text you xx

I than awnserd Jack's call
Jack:hey buddy you alright
Rye:yeah you,can I ask you something
Jack:sure u can
Rye:could you ask mike if he would like to move in with us
Jack:oh yeah of course,I can why though
Rye:I just feel like it would be nice to have the kids grow up with all there uncles around
Jack:aww that's sweet,me and brook are looking after liv ant we
Rye:yeah if that's ok we should hopefully be back buy 1
Jack:see you than

It was now around 9 and andy is still asleep I than heard crying
I looked round to face andy and saw him looking at sheets witch were bright red
I got out of my chair and rushed over to him

Oh shit that can't be good

Andy was panking,his  breathing was getting all irregular
I grabbed his inhaler from the side and he took a few puffs
I held him crying in my arms when I pressed the emergency call button

A few second later nurses came rushing in they looked at the blood

I stood up

Nurse 1: ryan can u please move away
Rye:no I'm not,now what the fuck is happening
Nurse 2:we cant be sure what it is let me go and get the doctor

I sighed and sat next to Andy
I let him snuggle into me

5 minutes later
The doctor came in with one of those wheeled bed things

Doctor:Andy we are going to have to take you for a ultrasound
Rye:what why
Doctor:it could be a miscarriage

What a fucking miscarriage
This cant be happening
Andy just was silent

They lifted him onto the bed and than took us to the ultrasound room

After ultrasound

Andy's P.O.V

We have just had the ultrasound and I'm freaking out becuse I'm pretty sure it's a miscarriage what it's so fucking devastating

Me and rye are eating in the room we had went to last night when the doctor came in

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