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This book is dedicated to my Amma, thank you for being with me in my heart. I was trying to find some lines from some of the greatest books for you but neither fit, so here's one I wrote. It doesn't compare to those honorary books but there's no other way I would rather talk to you like.

You've read stories to me late at night, scared

that your little girl would grow, without tales in her head.

Then later you grew scared

that you wouldn't see me grow up as you lay in bed.

You never had to worry

because since then you only grew with me.

You told me consoling tales of good dreams

when my pillows seemed to be crushing my head.

I remembered women with courage and men with love

when I was shivering behind a curtain before a show

and I saw your face reciting these tales

so I copied your spirit when I needed to persuade my words.

Your woven stories of love and of sacrifice

only taught me to be stronger and to let my tears flow

before they turn to swords.

You've read stories to me late at night, scared

that your little girl would grow without tales in her head.

Turns out, your nightmare came true,

this little girl doesn't have tales in her head anymore,

they're out on paper.

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