About the author

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I'm Manjari Sharma, a tenth grader currently with a house in Mumbai and a home in Gurgaon.

I've always found my heart in pouring my heart out with my words. Therefore, I've always wanted to write a book and the reason I took up the project of writing a novel in tenth grade is due to my curriculum requiring a project for me to work on. One of the other aspects of writing a novel is the money generated by it and therefore if I do happen to generate a profit through my novel, I plan on donating it a culturally and racially opposing organisation.

I've been writing for a while now and have scribbled quotes, thoughts and ideas in almost every single notebook I have ever owned or any sort of paper sitting at the bed of my bag. This book has allowed to collate these ideas and band them together for use in a novel opposing a well-known discrimination.

The reason I chose this form of discrimination is because I feel racial and cultural discrimination has become a lesser known issue in today's life. People assume it to have been an issue that once existed and now has been completely eradicated which is completely untrue. In my own home itself, coming from an Indian family, I've noticed how people around me react to the country due to its woven history. I then got curious enough to research into the issue and got hold of racially and culturally discriminated victims and understood further how a victim of this issue feels. With thorough research, I found information about why and for how long this issue had been occurring.

Lastly, why I chose to pick up this issue was because on some level, I've experienced it too. I've been judged and discriminated as an individual and been underestimated and downgraded just because I was from a lesser known city in India often times. This has made me write about the protagonist with even more distinction and add my own experiences in my writing. Even in the small pieces of writing that my main character has written through his worst times while losing Nadia, I could relate to that part as I can understand what it feels like to be separated from people you love, having just shifted from the city i've grown up all my fifteen years in to a strange new place on the entire side of the country. My experience of losing connections and letting go of people you've been with your whole life with is depicted through this book.

Therefore, this book isn't just simply a project which I have to complete for my school but also a cumulative product of my experiences and therefore a part of me. It's the first step towards my goals and seeing the book in my hands with my name all over; it is nothing short of a dream in the making.

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