"So now what do we do?", I asked her as she glanced at her notes now and then.
'"Remember what I told you about the poles, Saul?", she asked.
"Do you mean the North and South poles?", I asked back. "Yes, of course I do."
"They're vanishing even faster, the icebergs are melting faster than we can predict. Polar bears, sea lions almost any animal that lived there is now practically living on a piece of wet grass.
They're all homeless and they're dying faster each day.", Mia said wiping away a tear from her eye. She was really sensitive about animals and had organized many night care camps as the Moon.
"Yes, I know I've become stronger and that fire has become so heavy in me everyday.", I replied, drawing the link between my ever-growing feelings and how strong the Sun had become.
"The entire island is in danger. With the last attack you did, your rage has only grown more and maybe your desires are settled but the Sun has become twice as stronger. Antarctica is predicted to drown very soon and there's an operation that I'm helping out with.
The island is predicted to drown exactly next week. We're trying to work out the analytics and science behind it. Our scientists will require at least a week and we're talking in the minimum. The only problem is a week is too less.
The only solution we have is to decrease the Earth's temperature for a while so that the island holds. If it can stay up till the end of the week, our work is easier but we need a plan B.", Mia spoke and then looked at me with pleading eyes.
"I would help but the world wouldn't let it me. You're forgetting I'm in jail.", I stated almost remembering it myself.
"If you're helping the world for a cause that literally concerns the survival of an entire continent, I think we can get you a pardon. "she spoke in an attempt of conviction.
I looked unconvinced, after all the darkness and destruction I had caused, I wasn't sure the world would just accept me like that. The entire world hated me quote literally and repulsed me and all I had done with my actions was given them another reason to.
"It's time to prove them wrong. Whatever the heck they said about you, all those curses, those pathetic stares and assumptions, prove them wrong. If nothing else, do it for every person you wronged, do it for Nadia.", she spoke smiling secretly that she had gotten me.
"Okay, well, I'll think about it?",
I spoke unconvincingly.

The Sun also Shines In Pakistan.
General FictionMy book is about the torture of being victims for one's colour or culture. The novel talks about how everyone is biologically and mentally connected to a star. The story talks two stories in parallel: one in which the Star- which happens to be the m...