There were scientists, all the very best from their fields.
Each country had very generously given its scientists to work in America and to analyse the next move.
About six days had passed and today was the seventh.
Every country held their breath, the literal downfall of Antarctica didn't just mean that a continent would be lost but the earth would be flooded, not to mention the entire ecosystem would be drastically disturbed so much as so it would affect humans as well.
A number of species would be lost, nature would be exploited and it would be, in all sense, absolute destruction.
So far Antarctica was holding on by a thread and everyone in the whole world could do nothing but pray, pray and pray.
It didn't matter if it was Jesus, Vishnu or Allah, everyone was also clinging on to their only hope.
As the afternoon approached, churches and temples were disturbed by a loud groan.
Antarctica couldn't hold on any longer, it was drowning.
Everyone was screaming and shouting and there couldn't have been a worse time.
As I covered my ears to prevent the noise from deafening me, I heard a jolt in my cell door.
It was Mia, she was banging on my door and screaming for me.
"It's drowning, Saul it's drowning.", she shouted. "We need to do this.", she continued.
I simply nodded, I didn't know what else to do.
As I ran, Moon gave me her hand and I was suddenly being dragged across. She was faster than anyone I'd seen and in no time we were in her car.
"Wow. I'm outside, I'm free.", I spoke and looked at the Sun.
"Really not the time to celebrate, we have to hurry up.", she said with terror in her voice.
"Where are we going? ", I asked noticing how fast the car was driving.
"To the centre of the world. We're taking a flight to Giza."
This had just gotten a whole lot weird and before I could digest everything, we were standing in the centre of the world, geographically.
The latitude and longitude were 0,0 and it was from here that we had to save the world.
"Now what?", I said taking a breath as the sounds of the continent drowning got louder.
"Now, Saul, there needs to be a solar eclipse.", she spoke as calmly as she could in that moment.
"We need to get the Moon and the Sun to align so that I can block you for a couple of hours. That's the only way to decrease the world's temperature, it's the only way to save Antarctica.", she spoke and i lost my mind.
Now, she really had gone mad.
"First off, I'm much bigger than you, you'll never be able to cover me..", I started.
"The Moon is closer to the Earth than the Sun. It works, according to my calculations though the sun won't be covered completely, it will be hidden in some parts.", she explained.
"Okay if that occurs and that's a big if, how will we be able to do that for a day? The Sun and the Moon are rotating objects you know. Otherwise they fall, that's how motion works.", I said trying to tell her that it just wouldn't work.
"I know but our scientists have managed to attach machines to both our celestial bodies that helps them float in space as it decreases their mass just for 24 hours. So, that's handled.", she spoke as it was not a matter of life and death.
"Okay, Mia even if that happens, you're forgetting something really important. These bodies and us we're just connected mentally and biologically to them. It's only about their birth and our birth, their death and our death. Beyond that, we can't even move them an inch. It's just not practically possible.", I said with desperation in my voice again.
"How do you know it's not? It's just never been tried before, no one would've bothered to attempt it in their life.", she replied in a convincing manner.
"For a good reason", I said.
"Well, we have a chance to do it now and I have a gut feeling that I can do this. I need to do this, we need to do this or forever give excuses to yourselves that it just wasn't possible.
I know we can move our bodies to match our celestial bodies. I feel like I've been born with the power to do it, so tell me is the Sun weaker than the Moon or what?", she said challenging me now and the nine-billion-year old ego that had settled inside me gave in.
"Let's clean up this mess.", I said and this time I knew what had to be done.

The Sun also Shines In Pakistan.
Fiksi UmumMy book is about the torture of being victims for one's colour or culture. The novel talks about how everyone is biologically and mentally connected to a star. The story talks two stories in parallel: one in which the Star- which happens to be the m...