Chapter 2~Luhan And His Friends~

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Luhan crawled out of his cave.

"I need to talk to you guys....Chen will you do me a favour and tell the others to gather at 'The Stone'" Luhan said

"Sure thing!" Chen said then walked away

Luhan went to 'The Stone' first and waited. He saw his friends after that.

"Guys, you know that girl Kiyeon?" Luhan asked

"You mean the human?....What about her?" Sehun said

"She invited us over.....if we could play at the park you want to come?" Luhan invited

"Sure! After I'm dead..." Chen said while the other kids laughed.

"SERIOUSLY GUYS!" Luhan shouted

"Are you sure she invited US....cuz she doesn't even know us..." D.O said

"Ani....she invited me-" Luhan said

"See?" D.O said

"But...she said I could invite friends....can't you guys come with me?" Luhan asked

"Wae? You scared?" Kris said

"I should be asking the same thing to you! Are you scared that you'll have human interaction?" Luhan said

The boys stayed silent

"Doesn't anything happen with humans interact with you?" Lay asked

"Aniyo....nothing happened at all. So do you guys want to come or not? I'm pretty sure you'll regret not meeting her after..." Luhan said

"Arasso...we'll go..." Suho said

" won't change your mind?" Luhan said

"Yeah....we won't change our minds..." Kris said

"Okay then, meet you at the park!" Luhan said then ran off

"MWOH?!?!? THE PARK! BUT THATS WHERE HUM-.....AISH! He planned that...." Baekhyun said

"He knew that we'll change our mind after he told us where.....this deer lover..." D.O said

"Aish....whatever...." Suho said

"So we're going?" They all asked

"We said so....also it may not be so bad" Suho said

"True....kind of curious" Lay said


"Omma! I made some new friends and I'm going to meet them again is that okay?" Kiyeon asked

"Sure, why not?" Omma said

"Kumawo Omma! You're the best!" Kiyeon said

"Unnie going out again?" Jihyuk asked

"Yep, and I'll be back unharmed" Kiyeon said

"Have a safe trip!" Jihyuk said

"Arasso! Annyeong!" Kiyeon waved then went out

She saw Mir and Eunji.

"Hey guys!" Kiyeon waved

"Hey!" Mir and Eunji said

"Where's Ren?" Kiyeon asked

"He's sick today..." Mir said

"Okay guys can I tell you something?" Kiyeon asked

"Yeah sure, what is it?" Eunji asked

"I made more friends! So I want you guys to meet them" Kiyeon said

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