Chapter 4~A Secret No More~

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"Kiyeon-ah! Mir, Eunji and Ren is calling for you! Ireona" Omma told me

"Arasso..." I woke up and washed my face

I went down and took my sandwich with me outside. I saw Mir, Eunji and REN!

"REN! YOU'RE BETTER!" I shouted happily then hugged him

"Haha yep! I'm all better!" Ren smiled

"Aren't you going to say hi?" Eunji pouted

"Haha Hey guys!" I smiled

"I heard about the new friends. I practiced their names. I just need to meet them thats all!" Ren said

"They're very excited to meet you!" Mir said

"Okay Eunji, I got to go now!" Eunjung waved goodbye

"Bye Unnie!" Eunji said

Eunjung smiled then left.

"I swear, your sister is so pretty! If I was near her age, I would love to date her!" Ren said

"Yah! That's so weird..." Eunji said

"Aww waeyo?" Ren pouted

"Cuz you would be my brother in law..." Eunji said

"Oh yeah....but wouldn't that be cool?" Ren said

"Well to be honest....yeah!" Eunji said

"Okay let's go!" Mir smiled

I smiled too until I remembered about yesterday....How can I face them?....You know what! Just be yourself! Fighting! >:|

I walked with my friends to the park then saw the boys on the floor eating something.

"Hey guys!" I greeted

"Kiyeon! Mir! Eunji! and....OH MY GOD! Is that Ren?" Suho said

"Annyeonghaseyo! My name is Ren. I heard of you guys from Mir" Ren smiled

"'re pretty...." Chen said

"Uh....I'll take that as a compliment" Ren giggled

"Hey guys! Ren memorized all of your names! But he just need to know who's which!" Mir said

"So Ren is going to read out your names and whoever is being called, put your hand up!" I said

"Suho, Kris, Xiumin, Sehun, Chanyeol, Lay, Chen, Tao, Kai, Luhan, D.O, Baekhyun" Ren called out as the boys slowly put their hands up

"'re good!" Baekhyun said

"Not bad!" Chanyeol said giving a thumbs up

" that you're eating" Eunji asked

"Deer" Luhan smiled

"................................What?" Ren said with 😨 face

"Deer. Try it!" Xiumin said

"" Ren replied

"Ren try it! We're going to. If you don't like it then you can spit it out!" Eunji said

"It's not that...." Ren replied

"Then what?" I asked

"I can' deers...." Ren said

"What? Wae!" Tao asked

"Because.....few days ago....I ate deers for dinner....and....I got sick from eating I can' it" Ren said

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