Chapter 3~Royal Wolvian~

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I woke up and did my morning routine. After that, I went to visit Ren who was sick, he said he's feeling better. That made me relieved. Then I went to the park and saw the 12 boys already there playing on the slides with Mir and Eunji!

"WHEEE!!!" Tao screamed as he slid down the slide

"This is so much-Oh! Kiyeon's here!" Chen smiled then ran to me

"Hey Chen!" I smiled

"Hey Kiyeonnie" Chen said

"K-Kiyeonnie?" I said

"Yeah! Can I call you that?" Chen pouted

Aww he's cute. I suppose it's not that bad if he calls me Kiyeonnie so...

"Yeah you can. I don't mind! It's just that, I never heard that before..." I replied

"Then I'm glad to be your first" Chen said putting my hair around my ear

I blushed.

"Yah Chen! Stop flirting!" Kris shouted

"I don't even know how to flirt!" Chen replied

Everyone giggled.

Haha Chen. Oh?.....His hand.....Wait a minute....Now that I realised it......they all have.....patterns on their hands.....including numbers....


"KIYEON! Stay away from that boy and another other boys with weird symbols on their hand with a numbered shirt LESS THEN 100...They're dangerous....just trust me on this..." Appa said


Now that I think about it....all their shirt numbers are less than 100.....but why stay away from them....They're nice and so funny and kind to me. They're not dangerous....I'll have to ask Appa about this.

".....Hello?....Kiyeon! KIYEON! HELLO! ARE YOU THERE!" Luhan said snapping his fingers

"Oh-Wha-What? Oh hey" I replied

"Kwenchana? You were spacing out..." Luhan asked

"Yeah kwenchana" Kiyeon said

"That's good...kaja!" Luhan smiled then grabbed my hand

My heart beated faster...? I felt something new?......Something I never felt before.....what is this?...I blushed....I felt really happy.

Luhan lead me to the swings.

"So....what is it?" I asked him

"What is this and what is it for? What does it do? I don't know how to use it...even my brothers..." Luhan said

It sounded kind of funny so I started laughing...

"Wh-What so funny!" Luhan pouted. I could tell he's blushing

"It's called a swing. You seat on the swing then swing as high as you want. You use your legs to push off the ground then off you go swinging! Or you can ask someone to push you then you go swinging! " I explained

"Oh....that sounds....scary...can you show me first?" Luhan said

"Okay sure!" I said

"Guys! Kiyeon's going to show us how to swing on the swing!" Luhan shouted

"Oh chincha? Show us!" Kai smiled

I sat on the swing and pushed off by my legs and started swing really high!

"Whoooo! Hahaha! This is so much fun!" I shouted on purpose to make the others wanting to swing on it ^_^

"Aww! Let me try!" Baekhyun pouted

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