Chapter 7~This Is War Part 1

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(Listen to This Is War By MBLAQ)

The soldiers and hunters came. Getting their guns and armours ready. They got into their spots and was ready.

On the other side, the Wolvians are sharpening their claws and teethes. They got into their spots and was ready.

"YOU READY TO RIP THEIR THROATS OUT?!!" Kiyeon's Appa shouted

The humans cheered heroically

"YOU READY TO CHEW DOWN SOME HUMANS?!!?!" Luhan's Appa shouted

The wolvians growled ferociously

3....2....1.....THIS IS WAR!!!

The wolvians ran swiftly while Humans charged raging into the battle. They clashed!

"OMMA! APPA! HAJIMAYO!" Kiyeon cried

"YAH! EVERYONE! DON'T!" Luhan cried

"THIS IS WRONG!" They both shouted

"THIS IS WAR!!!!" The Ommas said then the female wolvians and female humans charged

"HAJIMA!!!!" Luhan and Kiyeon shouted

Luhan and Kiyeon were locked up in separate cages...along with the other boys...

"Guys, do you want to escape?" Kai asked

" stop this war...." Kiyeon cried

" dying because....of our marriage..." Luhan said

Kai sighed then looked at D.O

"Hyung, use the earth spikes to struck my cage" Kai asked

"MWOH?! You'll die!" D.O said

"Who do you I am?" Kai smirked

"........Arasso..." D.O said then concentrated

The earth spikes shot up and broke Kai's cage. Kai disappeared...

"Hey! In the flesh!" Kai said inside of Kiyeon's cage

"K-Kai!" Kiyeon smiled

Kai teleported Kiyeon then Luhan out. Then the other boys.

"So...Kiyeon, you know how to fight?" Chanyeol asked

"I'm good at swords and bow and arrows..." Kiyeon smiled

"Okay!" Kai said giving her a sword, a bow and 3 bags of arrows.

"What is all this?" Kiyeon asked

"We're going to order to stop this" Kai said

"Okay!" They all said then charged in too.

"Sir! You're son is here!" A sergeant said

"MWOH?!" He shouted


"Sir....your daughter is currently in battle..." A sergeant said

"SAY WHAT?!!" He shouted

Kiyeon shot some people and slashed some of them(not to hardly, just to make them not fight) Luhan used his powers and threw some wolves out of the way.

"HYUNG! WATCH OUT!" Tao shouted

"What?" Baekhyun said then got shot by an arrow in his arm...(yep that same spot where the bullet was...)

"HYUNG!!!" Tao cried

Baekhyun fell down spitting out blood.

"BAEKHYUN!!!" Chanyeol shouted

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