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Hey guys...

I am back with the next update...

Outline: hope u all have got the storyline...

Laksh, is an arrogant businessman who gets what he wants...

With rohan is his cute, naughty bro...

Ragini is a doctor who finally agrees to become laksh's dadu caretaker...

So, the story goes in present with fb of 3 months...

Here u will get to know the two shades of laksh... One as an arrogant, egoistic in the fb who has changed into a lover boy for ragini in present...

Hope it's not confusing...


Scene opens in dadu room who was waiting for someone impatiently...

He was looking out of the balcony...

When someone hugs him from back...

"good morning partner... "

He smiles... "good morning partner...Y r u late? "

"Because of this..." she gives him a home made carrot halwa ...

She feeds him while he says... "hmm... It's so yummy ragini... "

"healthy too... "

"thank u... "

They keep talking and she gets up to go...

"partner! I need to go hospital... Bye... "

She was about to get up when lucky enters...

"hii ragini... " he gives a close-up smile...

She too smiles... "hello Mr. Maheshwari... "

He frowns at that...

"actually I was thinking to stop coming here... "

Dadu as well lucky look shocked...

"nooo... " laksh shouts... "I mean why suddenly... Any thing wrong? "

"nah... Nothing. Dadu is stable... And doing well too. There is no need of me here... "

Lucky looks at that sad...

"and who said that? " asks dadu raising his eyebrow...

She chuckles... "I am the doctor and I know it... "

Dadu glares her... "I am the patient and I know that u r still needed here... "

She laughs... "u always prove that u are rohan's grandfather...

Both are crazy... "

"and what about me? " lucky mutters...

"haan! " she asks him confused...

He just nods no and both come out of the room...

"OK... Bye Mr. Maheshwari"

"arrey ragini! Why do u call me Mr. Maheshwari... It's been three months we are friends... "

She raises her eyebrow in like when did this happen!

He becomes nervous...

"wo...I mean we know each other since months...

U can call me lakshya like I call u ragini..."

She laughs...

"try me lucky at least... "

DIL KI DOCTOR... 💉 (completed)✅ Where stories live. Discover now