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I am back with the next part...



Scene opens in the MM...

Dadu's room...

Lucky barges into the room...

"dadu!...what happened...?
Mom said u were not well in the evening... "

Dadu "yaa... I was feeling uneasy... "

He just fumbles... And gulps

Lakshya raises his eyebrows...

Dadu bites his tongue...

"okay! I was just feigning illness... "

Lakshya sits next to him...

"Why... "

"ragini said she won't come from today naa...

That's y! I acted so that she continues to come... "

Lakshya looks at him surprised and keeps his head on his shoulder...

"so, she is important to u... "

Dadu just smiles... "u know lucky, I always see my radha in her... "

He wipes his lone tear...

Lakshya just smiles...

"plz do something... She is my healer... I want to see her everyday... "

Lakshya just smiles...

"I ll try my best to make her not quit...

Happy? "

Dadu smiles... "I know if lakshya maheshwari decides something,

He will definitely do it... "

Lakshya wishes him Gn...

"and u don't feign ur illness again...I ll be worried... "

Dadu nods... And he leaves.

Lakshya lies on his bed...

"what have u done to all of us ragini...

Everyone is addicted to u...

Dadu, maa, ur laddo and me too...

I fell for u long back... Do u also have the same feelings on me...?

Will u accept my proposal..?

He keeps talking to the moon... As if it is her...



Scene opens in ragini room.

She will be tossing on the bed...

"god! Why am I not getting sleep? "

She goes to the balcony and looks at the moon...

And recalls what all happened that day...

How she was hurriedly leaving the hospital but got a call from ap about dadu being breathless...

She ran there just to find he was feigning...

She scolds him in return to know that he did all just for her...

She smiles remembering that...

"god! Dadu is so much attached to me...He sees his dead daughter in me... "

And her mind travels to the talk with sumi...

DIL KI DOCTOR... 💉 (completed)✅ Where stories live. Discover now