PART 25...

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Hello everyone...

Hope u all witnessed laksh action in previous chapter...



Friday night...

10 pm... Abc hospital...

Ragini opens her eyes shouting for laksh...

"haan bunny! I am here only... "

Says laksh getting his bandage done hissing in pain... In next bed...

Ragini disconnects her drip and goes to him...

"u r fine right !"

"haann... Absolutely... "

She fumes and hits his head from back...

"ouch! Mad girl... "

"then what! Hero banne ka bada shock haina...! "

"I am sorry... " he traces bandage on her head...

While she pushes his hand...

Then swasan enters...

"it's injection time love birds... "

She sits on her bed in angry

Swasan chuckles...

Swara injects her pain killer... While Sanky to laksh...

"sanky! Give him big injection to his bum ... He should not dare to get down"

Laksh pouts...

Swasan learns everything and scolds them for taking this big risk...

"thank god! Laksh has sustained only soft tissue injuries...

There are no fractures as such... " sanky says...

"thanks buddy... Can we leave now? " laksh asks...

"no way... U have head injury... One night observation is must... " swasanrag shouts...

While he nods... "okay okay. Take it easy... "

They all glare him...

"but plz send us tomorrow"

"dekhthe hai.. " swasan says

"dekhna kya hai... I have my personal doc with me...

Ragini blushes and touches her locket...

While swasan leaves smiling...

Laksh calls saawan and speaks...

"sir! U don't worry... I am in MM only...

Ur dadu as well rohan both are fine...

I have said them that the party u lied about is still not over...

And u guys won't return tonight..."


"and about mukesh...

He is under custody...

I make sure he is punished..

Since, he has no more a rich businessman... He has no power to save himself...

The mission accomplished sir...

Except that u r injured... "

He chuckles...

Laksh too laughs...

"sir ! Ur bro is so adamant to talk to u...

Please talk to him once..."

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