Part 16

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Hello everyone !

I am back with the next update...


Days roll over...There is just a week for their wedding...

And since that office romance, their relationship has progressed so much...

Raglak keep spending time with each other...Talking over night...

Scene opens with Ragini checking dadu BP...

"partner! U r maintaining everything perfect...

Now, u are allowed to take little salt... "

Dadu grins...

"and ur babu should stop eating salt... Always shouting... "

She giggles and kisses his forehead just to hear someone clearing voice...

She closes her eyes and turns to the owner of that cackling...

To find him... frowning at her...

"babu! " calls dadu and lakshya side hugs his dadu.

"I am so happy for u lakshya..."

Lakshya kisses his fingers...

"I can happily leave my breath now... When I know ragini is becoming maheshwari bahu...

I don't need to worry about rohan now... "

Lakshya "ssh dadu! Nothing will happen to u...

I have got an angel for u...she will heal all ur pain"

But ragini will be looking at them confused...

What pain!... And what's about rohan...!! My ladoo...

She remembers that it's been days she met him and goes to his room...

"hii laddoo... "

"hey bhabhi... "

"what's up? "

"I have one last exam tomorrow... After that full masthi... "

She side hugs him... "eww... U have not taken bath... "

And makes faces...

"since 3 days... " he shows his pearls...

She widens her eyes... "chee
First go get a bath...

animals are better than u.."

"arrey exam vibes bhabhi..."

Then lakshya too comes... "it's Papa's vibes I know..."

She looks at him confused.. While rho pouts..

"ragini! He is scared of papa... This is his last semester and the one which decides his job...

Papa has flatly refused to recommend a job for him...

So, it's like 'as u sow, shall u reap ' condition to rho... "

She makes sad face at rho who in turn was looking like a lost puppy...

"just not that enough, he will kick me out if I don't earn for myself... "

"aww... Why do u want a job when u have maheshwari groups..."

"ragini! Papa wants us to prove oursef before he offer a place in our establishments...

Even I had worked a year in other company... "

She nods her head in okay...

"don't worry ladoo! U will definitely do it... I have confidence in u... "

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