PART -21

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Hello everyone!

I am back with the next update...

Contnd from part 20...


Scene opens with raglak hugging... "ur ladooo... "

Ragini widens her eyes...

God! Then rohan was right...His assumptions on his cleft chin is right...

Then she remembers promising rohan to not tell anyone about his doubt...

Laksh was still hugging her...

"u know Bunny, whenever I used to ask mom where did radha bua go...?

She used to show baby rohan and say that she is inside him...

From then, I became more attached and over protective of that baby till I learnt the whole story...

Dadu too starts seeing his daughter in her son... He was close to him...

Dadu started living for him...

And maa, u already know how much she loves him... She is too possessive of him.

She never let him know about radha bua..."

He chuckles...

Now everything was making sense to ragini...ap's irritation on him going to radha bua room...

Ap had a fear that she would loose her baby...

"u know Bunny, he was so charming since a kid...

Like anyone will fall in love with him...

Only dad is bit strict to him as he never wanted him to become like his bastard father...

And now u see the result... He is a gentle man...

He is the cupid of our love..
And he knows how to love and treat a woman...

My baby bro has grown as a man today... "

Laksh wipes his tears... Even ragini smiles at that...

Laksh breaks the hug to see disturbed ragini...

Her mind :Should I tell rohan all these.

Her heart : No! What r u even thinking ragini...

He has accepted the reality... He is happy in this house... Do u want to destroy him...

Her mind : But he has the right to know...

Her heart : Shut up! What will happen when he comes to know...
Maa will be broken... Dadu will stop breathing...

And rohan...He will be disgusted of his birth...

She will be in emotional turmoil...

"ragini! What happened?
U r upset that rohan is not my own brother... "

He asks slowly while she closes his mouth...

"laksh! How can u think of me like this...

I had accepted ur rho even before I accepted u...

No matter what, he is my laddoji...

No one can replace him... "

She says smiling...

"thank u... Thank u so much.... That's y, I love u"

She blushes...

"what happened later? did that Verma get punish for his deeds...? "

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