chapter four

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chrysalis' pov

i woke up and looked around the dark room.

"chrysalis." a low voice said and i jumped. "hey. calm down."

i looked up to see tirek looking down at me. "you scared me." i whispered, trying not to wake cozy glow.

"sorry," he whispered.

i started to stand up, but tirek stopped me by pulling me back down.

"what i-" i started, but tirek then pointed at cozy glow, who was sleeping right beside me. i rolled my eyes and laid back down. "what now?"

he shrugged. "didn't cozy bring the bell?"

i nodded and we both stayed silent until i finally got what he was hinting at. "ooooooh." i grabbed cozy's bag with my magic and took out the bell. "i think i know cozy's plan. so let's just leave the bell alone." i put it back in the bag as cozy woke up and yawned.

"morning, filly." tirek said, standing up.

"good. i can get up." i said, standing up and stretching.

"are we going to talk about our plan?" tirek asked.

i shushed him and opened the door to see if anyone was out there. there wasn't. i closed it and locked it. "cozy. what's the plan?" i laid on the bed.

cozy grabbed her bag and took out the bell. "since we've never really worked together to try and take over equestria... i don't really have a plan..."

"can we maybe talk about what's going to happen after we take over equestria?" tirek asked.

"to be honest. i don't really want to hate each other again." i said. "it's been fun so far... working together."

"what are we? friends?" tirek laughed.

"what the hay!" i yelled. "we're not friends."

"then what are we?" cozy glow asked.

"uh..." i looked at the floor. "we can be-" i looked at tirek. "gangsters-"

we all were silent and then tirek says, "yeah that works."

"maybe we could stay gangsters." cozy glow said.

"or-" tirek stood up, putting his hand in her face as he walked to me. he lifted up my chin so that i was looking up at him. "the magic of friendship is weak. but us... us adults could find our own magic." he said.

my breath hitched in my throat as he caressed my cheek.

he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "and you know what i mean." and then looked back at me.

i refused to look him in the eyes, but he grabbed my chin and lifted it up so that i was.


he shushed me and leaned in a little bit. i was honestly scared. i didn't feel anything for him.. did i?


"don't-" i started. "don't call me that." i turned my head, but he turned it back towards him.

"rise and shine!" we heard a knock on the door and i jumped away from tirek. "breakfast is ready!"

"we'll be out in a minute." cozy yelled and then looked at tirek and chrysalis. "what was that!"

"i- i don't know." chrysalis mumbled, flying off the bed and grabbed her log.

"all i know is that i wish i did it." tirek said.

my heart literally leaped out of me. did he really care about me? or did he want to just steal my magic? i flew up and looked him straight in the eyes. "i will never let that happen! i don't want to be left alone with nothing again." i landed on the ground and turned away from them. "not after what happened to my hive.."

"we should go." cozy glow said and left the room with tirek following her.

i sat down and stared at the strand of hair that was in my face. it turned a dark blue.

i quickly looked down at my hooves and let out a sigh of relief.

they were still the same color.

i grabbed my log and headed out to the deck of the boat/ship. i sat in between tirek and cozy glow.

"what exactly are you doing with them?" cozy glow asked. i'm pretty sure she was referring to the mane 5.

"maybe throw them overboard." lia said and i rolled my eyes.

"please. that's a child move." cozy glow said.

"shut it before we through you guys overboard too!" vivian said.

"oh pfft." i rolled my eyes. "do you know to whom you are speaking to!"

"of course. you tell your log every 5 minutes." alane said in a southern/british accent.

"trust me when i say. y'all don't exist without us. you're gonna get off this ship embarrassed." vivian said.

"if you have anything to ask me. go right ahead. and i promise you. it will not be me who is embarrassed." i said, flying up. (if you don't get this reference. we can't be friends-)

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