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  "S-shut the ffffuck up, I'm tryna sleeeep..."


You toss and turn under your covers, grumbling a stream of cuss words under your breath.

B A N G !

  "Oh my god, what the FUCK is making that noise?!" You exclaim, throwing off your blankets and sitting up in bed. Flowey rubs his eyes with his petals, he was woken up by the noises as well.

  "It's 12 in the damn morning!!" You shriek, frustrated that your "nap" was interrupted. Everyone who knows you knows to NEVER wake you up under any circumstances.


You roll your eyes and swing your legs over the side of the bed, brushing a piece of hair out of your face. You get up and decide to give whoever woke you up a piece of your mind. Leaving Flowey in your room, you poke your head through the doorway to see that others staying in the inn were also woken up. A few monsters are standing in the hall while others are like you, peeking out of their rooms. You catch little snippets of their conversations.

  "I think some bastard's tryna rob the inn..."

  "Nah, I heard they were looking for someone,"

  "Who the hell's looking for someone at 12 in the morning?!"

  "I don't fuckin' know..."

Your eyes widen at their words and your breathing quickens. No...it can't be him! You quietly back into your room and shut the door nervously. Just in case, you put your new jacket on and pack your things, including Flowey. You stand in the center of your room, tapping your foot anxiously.

What if he comes in here?

Maybe I could jump out the window?

You freeze at the sound of a knock on your door. It's a light knock, gentle almost.

  "Um...sorry to bother you, but someone's here to see you, dearie," You hear the rabbit woman say on the other side of the door.

Oh fuck.

Oh no.


You don't reply, holding your breath and praying that she thinks you're asleep. A muffled voice from the hallway startles you and you hear the innkeeper cussing someone out. She goes silent.




The knock on your door causes you to jump, you're tensed up and hyperventilating.



The door opens.

A dark figure stands in the doorway. The only thing you can make out in the pitch black of your room is his red pinpricks.

He steps inside your room.

You step backwards until your back hits the wall. Flowey trembles with fear, shaking in his cup.



  "Aw, don't be like that-,"

  "Get out of my room."

Sans stares at you, his eye sockets half lidded. After shutting the door behind him, he approaches you and places his hands on either side of your head. You look up at him, wide-eyed. You think you hear him mutter "so cute..." but you're not sure.

  "We never finished our conversation, doll~" He says, leaning even closer to your face. He smells of mustard and pine trees...an odd combination.

  "We didn't?" You ask, "Well, how about this. Our conversation is over," You attempt to duck under his arm but fail miserably when he grabs your shoulder and pins you to the wall.

  "Back off, perv!" Flowey shouts.

  "Shut it, weed," Sans snarls, "let me talk to my little lady here," He turns to you and smirks, a slight red dusting his cheeks.

  "It's not that easy to get rid of me, gorgeous," He says.

  "Clearly..." You grumble. Sans ignores your remark and continues.

  "You should ditch this shithole and come stay at my place," He says.

  "I'm good," You reply with a forced smile.

  "That wasn't a request," Sans says, "it was an order. My boss wants to keep ya, he thinks he can train you or some shit. He was impressed with your endurance and speed,"

You frown and cross your arms, staring Sans down.

  "I'm not your little pet, asshole," You say, "leave me alone and I'm sure you'll be fine without me," Sans leans closer to you and his breath tickles your ear. You shudder.

  "I'll make sure you enjoy your stay~" He breathes. Without warning, he grabs your forearm and the room warps around you. Your head spins and you squeeze your eyes shut, trying your hardest not to pass out. When the dizziness stops, you open your eyes in what can only be...oh no.

Sans' living room.


Not Good Enough (UF!Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now