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"Um...hey," You say awkwardly, "how long were you standing there..?"



"A couple of minutes," Sans mumbles, he seems flustered. You feel your face heat up and turn away from him. Great, he got to see my little performance.

"I forgot my mustard and came back to get some and I, erm, didn't want to interrupt ya," He adds. You roll your eyes and plop down at the table. Sans shuffles over to the fridge and pulls out a bottle of mustard as you begin eating your cereal. The only sound is your chewing and the gentle hum of the refrigerator, you wish Sans would go back outside.

After a few excruciating moments of silence, he finally makes his way back over to the door. You're just beginning to relax when he stops himself in the doorway and turns around to face you.

  "Uh, did you see my note?" Sans asks. You nearly choke on your cereal.

  "Y-Yeah!" You stutter. You'd almost forgotten about it since you were so embarrassed about Sans walking in on you singing.

  "So..." He says, crossing his arms and staring at you expectantly.

  "I'm still thinking about it, bonehead," You say, "at least let me finish eating,"

  "Right, um, have a good breakfast," Sans says, stepping outside and shutting the door behind him.

He's really trying, isn't he?


After you finished your breakfast, you went upstairs and woke up Flowey. The two of you explored the town a bit, you got some warmer clothes, a hairbrush, and some shampoo at the shop. A few monsters tried to fight you on your outing, but you ended up becoming their friend instead by sparing them.

You felt a connection with all of them, they were all suffering but had to hide it to look tough. You had the same problem, except you hid your suffering with kindness.

Currently, it's twelve in the afternoon and you're starving.

  "Ugh, I'd kill for some pizza right now, dude," You say to Flowey as your stomach growls loudly.

  "You could go to Grillby's," He suggests, "I think they have hamburgers!" Your mouth waters and you immediately head to the restaurant. You talked to the large bear monster leaning against it earlier but never went inside, you weren't hungry at the time. Now? You need some damn food.

You wave at the bear and he nods back as you near the entrance. A small bell jingles as you push open the door and a pleasant warm gust of air blows in your face. The restaurant isn't very busy right now, only three or four monsters are scattered around it and no one's sitting at the bar.

Behind the counter is a purple fire monster wearing glasses. He has a black furry coat and a smirk on his face.

  "I think that's Grillby," Flowey whispers. You nod in response and seat yourself gently on a barstool. Grillby instantly approaches you and grins. Good service, You think.

  "So, you're the human who's charming everyone in the Underground, hm?" He asks. His voice is smooth and quiet.

  "I suppose," You reply with a smile.

  "It makes sense," Grillby says, "you're quite easy on the eyes," You turn slightly red and say a quiet thank you.

  "Of course~Anyway, whaddya want to eat?" He asks, still smirking.

  "I'll have a burger please," You say. Without another word, he rushes to the back and starts preparing your food. Flowey giggles.

  "What is it?" You ask, turning to face the flower.

  "I'm just imagining Sans' reaction to what he said to you," He replies.

  "Pfft, Flowey!" You exclaim. Your friend shakes with silent laughter. You joke around with Flowey until your food arrives.

  "Thanks, Grillby!" You say, happily accepting the delicious looking burger.

  "You're welcome," He replies, watching as you sink your teeth into his food. The burger is so good it's gone within a few minutes and you're left with a full stomach and a smile on your face.

  "This food is amazing!" You exclaim. Grillby smiles proudly.

  "Glad someone besides Sans appreciates my cooking," He replies.

  "You know Sans?" You ask. Grillby nods.

  "Yeah, we're old friends. He comes by when his boss lets him. We catch up and he has a drink or two,"

  "That sounds nice," You say. Grillby hums in response.

  "Alright, thanks for the meal, I think I'm gonna head out," You say, adjusting your bookbag and hopping down from the barstool.

  "Stop by anytime," Grillby says, giving you a small wave. You smile back at him and leave the comforting warmth of his restaurant.

  "So, what now?" You ask Flowey as you walk back to Sans and Papyrus' house.

  "Maybe watch a movie?" He suggests, "I saw some disks scattered on the floor around the tv," You grin and quicken your pace.

  "A movie sounds great, dude!" You say happily.

Once you get inside of the skelebros' house, you slip off your boots and place them neatly by the door. You shake off some snow from your jacket and hang it on the coat rack. Now, you wear a cozy (f/c) long sleeved shirt and some black jeggings.

Carrying Flowey, you sit cross-legged in front of the tv to sift through the CDs on the floor. It takes you about half an hour, but eventually you find one that's not completely destroyed that you want to watch. (Favorite horror movie) is placed into the DVD player and you crawl over to the couch and place Flowey on an armrest, eager for the movie to start.


Not Good Enough (UF!Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now