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Steve could barely contain his excitement as he helped Bucky down the ramp from the jet. He had to suppress his little skip in his step so as not to frighten his old friend. It was weird, to be honest, seeing the person he'd grown up with, and stood beside him through thick and thin, be so weak and look like an animal about to bolt away to safety.

He couldn't wait to tell Y/N.

God, he just...he couldn't wait to see the surprised look on her face when she sees him with Bucky. Butterflies exploded into fireworks in his stomach as he thought of her. He wanted to see her smile so badly, it physically hurt him when she told him about her past...when he saw how broken she was. He shook his head away from those thoughts and tried to focus on the present.

Bucky's back. Bucky's here with you...right now...he's alive.

He helped Bucky go up the stairs to the main hall, shooting quick glances at his old best friend whenever he thought he wasn't looking. Steve didn't know why, but his heart was pounding fast and loud in his chest and adrenalin was flooding through him.

As they reached a spare room that the team normally had for guests, Bucky stopped in his tracks and stared at Steve, quiet for a minute before speaking up, "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

He sounded so unlike himself, it was eerie. James Buchanan Barnes exuded confidence, and it seemed like Hydra had destroyed that as well as his mind.

Steve gave a small nod, not sure how else to respond. He turned away and looked up at the ceiling, commanding F.R.I.D.A.Y to open the door for him, and then bringing Bucky into the clean, untouched room.

Bucky seemed to have been injured in the knee, it was evident when they'd first arrived and found him; he was limping, favouring one leg over another. Steve wanted to have it checked out but felt that with everything going on, bringing Bucky to an unfamiliar place and bursting into his life all of a sudden, he didn't want to stress him even more. They'd get someone to have a look at it later.

He hesitated at the door, watched Bucky wander around the room, his fingertips grazing the smooth surfaces, before closing the door and heading straight to the conference room, thinking over what he wanted to say when he finally saw them. None of them seemed suitable enough and he cursed himself for not having prepared on the jet on the way back. It was just that he mind was so preoccupied with the realisation, still, that Bucky was alive and sitting in front of him.

Everyone in the team had gathered in the room, arguing over who was sitting where as Steve entered it. They quietened immediately, noticing a nervous look about him. He walked to a small stand and looked up at the expectant faces in front of him. His eyes went immediately to Y/N, and she smiled softly as their eyes met. His nerves soothed slightly, and he took in a deep breath before starting the meeting.

"You may be wondering why I've asked for a sudden meeting," He started, gripping the stand to hide the shaking of his hands, "Well...it's because I've brought in a new addition to our team, sort of, he'll be staying with us, but I doubt he's going to join us on missions..."

Tony butted in immediately, "How come?"

"I've been searching for him for a while now, and I finally found him, or more like Sam." Steve nodded at his friend, leaning against a wall at the side. Everyone turned to look at him before going back to Steve, and Sam raised a hand in greeting at the curious stares.

The nervous man continued his speech, gaining more assurance with every look at Y/N, "His name is James Buchanan Barnes, we served together in the war, and grew up together." At this, everyone leaned forward in their seats, not even trying to hide their confusion.

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