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"Come on!" Clint yelled as he cushioned himself between Y/N and Tony, clutching a box of popcorn for dear life as hands flew down to grab handfuls of the salty kernels, "Otherwise we're gonna start the movie without you!"

"I'm coming!" Sam called back from the kitchen, voice muffled as his face was stuffed with candy, "Gimme a sec!"

Clint grinned from ear to ear and snatched the remote off of Nat, "Nope!" And clicked 'play'.

Immediately, the Star Wars theme screamed out of the surround-sound speakers, making everyone jump. Steve's grip on Y/N's hand tightened for a second as surprise took hold of him and she looked up at him, a cheeky smile playing on her lips.

"What?" He whispered, his brow creasing ever so slightly as he saw her knowing grin.

She lifted a hand to the top of his head and when she retracted it, he saw a kernel of popcorn resting in the palm of her hand, "Popcorn in your hair."

He let out a soft snort of laughter and pressed a kiss to her cheek, inches away from her lips, "Thanks."

"No problem," She murmured back, eyes bright, as her hand crept up and cupped his jaw. She brought his head down to kiss him, her heart all a flutter as she looked at his soft lips.

They received a tap on the shoulder from Nat and when they broke away and looked over at her, she raised an eyebrow and scrunched up her face, a way to tell them to get a room.

Y/N stuck her tongue out at her and flopped back into her sitting position on the sofa, cuddling up against Steve as they focused back on the TV.

Bucky hadn't been too sure on how to react when Y/N offered for him to join their movie night. So he said yes. He liked seeing how happy she was whenever he agreed to be more social with the rest of the team. He even agreed to join them every morning to train in the gym, though he kept to himself in a corner of the hall, so as not to bother their actual training.

Somehow, in the process of trying to find a comfy seat to watch the movie, he'd ended up beside Tony and Sam both of whom were taking up as much leg space and overall body space as they could without it being super evident, so he was now squished between the two men as he watched people dressed in long tunics fight one another with laser swords.

Sam seemed to hate him. Bucky wasn't too sure why, but the man had a vendetta against him, a subtle one, but it was there nonetheless. He could see stink eyes.

Speaking of Sam, the guy was jamming his elbow as far into Bucky as he could, and Bucky suspected it might even be happening on purpose.

He leaned back to look at Y/N and Steve and he smiled at the couple, who were basically sitting on one another as they curled up together, watching the movie absent-mindedly, letting their fingers trail and draw little circles on each other's legs and arms.

A sense of longing washed over him, and he sighed, shifting in his place. Back before everything had gone wrong, he'd known what he wanted. Or more or less what he wanted. Now...he wasn't sure if he'd ever be allowed to have that kind of life, something calm and domestic.


Sam had dug his elbow further into Bucky's side. The dark-haired, stormy-eyed man shot a nasty look at the ex-war veteran's way. Stop. It.


"What did you think of the movie?" Y/N asked, later on, her head resting just above his heart, so she could hear the rhythmic palpitations.

Steve hummed, and she could feel the vibrations against her head, "It was...interesting."

Y/N brought her head up and shot him a smirk, "How so?"

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