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A/N *It's a long chapter😅*

Laughter flittered throughout the Avengers' Base as the jet flew out of sight. Y/N sat on one of the sofas in the living room, joking about with the rest of the team. Her eyes lit up with humour as Tony cracked another joke in Clint's direction and Clint responded with a cushion thrown hard at the genius's chest. Bruce fiddled with his glasses as he watched the others as they bantered with one another. Bucky was laughing too, chiming into some jokes with Tony. Clint pouted at them then got up, groaning as he did and stretching.

"Aw, you going now?" Y/N asked, grinning up at the archer, her legs crossed and her hands tucked under them, an impish look on her face.

"Yeah, I promised Laura I'd be there at seven," Clint replied, ruffling her hair as he passed her. She smacked his arm lightly and turned around on the sofa, watching him as he gathered up all his things.

"Say hi to Laura and the others, will you? I haven't seen her in ages..." Y/N requested, smiling brightly as Clint shrugged on his jacket.

Clint nodded, "Yeah, sure... maybe we could arrange a meet-up sometime next week..." He offered, shoving his keys into a pocket and then grasping the handle of his suitcase, "All right. I'm all set...see you guys in a few days?"

"See ya!" Everyone else chimed, waving goodbye as he trundled his suitcase out of the headquarters.

"Oh!" Bruce exclaimed, getting up from his seat in one of the armchairs, "I forgot I have some work I have to finish in the lab. Sorry guys...I'll see you at dinner."

Tony sighed as he settled himself into the sofa opposite Y/N and Bucky's, raising his eyebrows at them, "What about you guys, what are you going to do while the others are gone? We've got a whole week of free time with everyone gone!"

Y/N shrugged, "I don't know...maybe train?" She suggested, meekly, "Or pick up a new hobby, I guess..."

"And Bucky?"

Bucky blinked as the attention turned to him, "Uh...Just hang out here?"

Tony sighed, "You guys are boring...you seriously don't have any plans for your free time?"

The two of them shrugged simultaneously and the genius billionaire playboy philanthropist snorted at them, laying back on the sofa and resting his head on one of its arms.

Y/N and Bucky shared a look, fighting back a burst of laughter bubbling up, hiding their smiles at Tony's disappointment towards them.

Bucky opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the alert blaring out, signifying an important message from some figurehead. Tony bolted up, groaning as the high-pitched noise drilled into their skulls. Y/N followed him with her eyes as he stood up, answering the call.

Tony talked quietly with the caller, shooting quick glances towards Y/N and Bucky while the pair were joking about together. Once the call was over, he turned to them and gritted his teeth, trying to figure out how to tell them.

He cleared his throat, grabbing their attention and having them turn to face him, questions in their eyes.

"We have a...situation. We've located a HYDRA base in Ukraine with some delicate information. It's an easy job, a two-person job, but..." Tony trailed off, his voice careful and wary.

"What's wrong with that?" Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow.

Tony blew out a breath and shook his head, "It's a two-person job requiring a supersoldier. And since Steve's not here...we'll just...I don't know. This isn't a job for a regular human being, even with one of the suits."

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