28: A

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A/N*I've done two chapters as two different endings because why not? 😅 probs making things harder for myself but...what's done is done, y'know?

28/10/19 A/N: I just realised the beginning is hella confusing so I've added dates (I forgot to add them previously, forgive me*


Her wrinkled hands paused over the cover of a scrapbook, shaking as they pulled the book out and brushed the dust softly away. She let out a surprised gasp as she flipped open the front and looked at the old pictures from way back when. The quality of the pictures wasn't great, something to be expected from the 20th century, though, but the images brought on a flurry of memories. 

1950 and on

When Steve had finished telling Y/N everything, he still had so much to tell her. He dreaded going back 'home'. He didn't have a home, not really. There was Bucky, of course, and Sam, and everyone else, but he didn't want to see them. He wanted to be stuck in this paradise for forever. Selfish, yes, but...one look from Y/N had him weak in the knees and hurting in the chest.

It was why he suggested that they just stayed there. In 1950. And grew old together. Steve was warping the timeline by doing this, obviously, and he knew it. Y/N was hesitant at first. She wasn't scared to meet what was set in stone for her, or had been set in stone for her, but the more he tried to convince her into the life he'd dreamt for them to share, the more she was tempted by it. 

It was tricky to travel. They'd gone back in time, yes, but they hadn't changed the location. They were still in Ukraine, a quite difficult location to be in at the time. But, they somehow managed to travel all the way to Belgium and managed to travel across the channel to the U.K. 

After having arrived in the U.K., the two had planned on returning back to the U.S.. However, as time went on and they had enough money to go to America, the two had already established a life and didn't feel the urge to leave. It had taken them three years to find jobs with a stable income and a suitable home to stay in. 

Two years later, Steve asked Y/N to marry him. 

A year after that, they had the wedding.

Six months later, Y/N met Peggy Carter at a charity event. She hadn't realised it was Peggy until the woman had introduced herself. And then Y/N had to hold back a shriek of shock and delight. The fact that she had met the Peggy Carter was...astounding. Incredible. Out of this world. Only possible in her dreams. And yet...she was right there. 

That was when Y/N told Peggy everything about what had happened; the time-travel, Steve, everything. It took a fair lot of persuading to get her to believe what Y/N was saying, but after having, quite literally, dragged Steve over, Peggy was convinced. And they all became fast friends. 

Soon after, Steve and Y/N switched jobs and started working at S.H.I.E.L.D., or the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division as it was called at the time.

In 1960, Y/N found out she was pregnant. Steve had the classic parental freakout when her water broke and she couldn't stop laughing as he drove her to the hospital, probably breaking god knows how many laws of the road. And it didn't help that he was throwing out curse words at the speed of light. In another life, he would have definitely been rapper.

They had twins, a boy and a girl, named after Nat and Bucky, naturally.

5th of August, 1961

"Come on! Yeah!" Y/N cheered, clapping her hands as she crouched a few metres away from her blonde-curled daughter, giggling with happiness and wobbling on her two unstable feet. Steve laughed beside Y/N, the boy-version of his daughter resting on his hip, babbling in toddler-speak.

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