Host Reveal

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We get a view of the island, as a man Shane O' Shuffles into frame. 


Someone punches Shane, but Shane catches his fist and starts sweating. 

Shane: ..Wrong choice. 

We see the CAW Big Brother host, Charlie Dixon who attempted to throw it. 

Charlie: Oh boy—

Shane starts throwing fists of fury that don't connect at all, but do massive damages. Cuts and bruises randomly appear on Charlie. 

Shane: Drew!

Drew Macintyre claymores Charlie, and Shane stuffs money in the mouth of Charlie. 

Shane: I'll make sure this lasts longer than YOUR series did...Drew, be my mindless stooge. 

Drew: Alright dad. 

Shane: ...Anyways, 28 people will go through a journey to one billion dollars, to become...the BEEES-no, the SECOND BEST IN THE WORL—-

Shane And Drew are suddenly shot, as Nate Xpress enters with a yellow fur coat. 

Nate: Hey Guys, real quick, be sure to check out Nate—

Nate is shanked in the back by Steve Harvey. 

Steve: Hello everyone, WELCOME TO UNORIGINAL DRAMA ISLAND! 28 people will enter, only one will win—

Steve is tased by Maury from The Maury Show. 

Maury: You've been asked if you were host for the show, lie detector determined, THAT was a lie! Anyways, 1 billion on the line! Who will wi—

Maury is decapitated by D'Vorah. 

D'Vorah: Who will walk out with—

D'Vorah is suddenly hit by a lazer beam, as Dr. Evil walks in, stroking Mr Bigglesworth. 

Dr Evil: *camera zooms in* ONE BILLION DOLLARS!!!

The camera pans to a boat, with The Grandview Gang on it. 

Dr Evil: These are just some of our contestants...NOT!

Dr Evil presses a red button on a familiar grey pad, as The Gang is set on fire. Eddie Checkmate aka Rook of the Gang has a calzone shield for some stupid reason, and swims to land. 

Rook: .....

Dr Evil: Great, you survived my first "trap." 

Rook: ...Mr Clean looking ass...

Dr Evil: Mr Clean is a role model! Muscles...a clean bald head...unlike that skinny hoe Baldi.

Rook swims back to check on everyone, as a few more boats roll in. 

Dr Evil: Ok real quick, this is MY show...and if you think otherwise..

Dr Evil motions towards the grey pad. 

Dr Evil: *trying desperately to be hip* Now lets start this bitch. 


The Cast Reveal is coming soon! Now I'll just say that The CAW Big Brother Stars not Currently in Rhett's Total Drama, will probably be in this series right here. I didn't want to cancel CAW Big Brother But I pretty much just lost motivation for it and felt I needed a clean slate. So this is it. 

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