Episode 3- My Songs Know

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Team 3's Camp

Ranik is picking berries, when Rom approaches him. 

Rom: Hey Ranik....

Ranik: What do you want Rom?

Rom: I found a PRETTY good spot for your "alone time!" 

Ranik: ..Alone time? 

Rom: Yes. You know, hugging the donkey, slapping the pickle—

Ranik: I don't do that in the time Rom. I sit and think to myself...

Rom: What DO you think about? I always wondered. 

Ranik: Everything. My past...AWOL...and someone has been in my radar recently. 

Rom: Who's this someone? 

We cut to Mirage, walking up to a cabin. He knocks. 

Derrick: Its open. 

Mirage looks to make sure nobody's around, and shuts the door. Nic was nearby with binoculars, and has a bewildered expression on his face. 

Nic: Mirage is already up to some tricks. And he enters MY cabin.....Detective Virtue at your service.


We see Austin Powers, the host, speaking to Basil. 

Basil: It's URGENT!

Austin: Alright Basil, I'll be right there! *turns to the camera* Let Shane know that he's hosting this one. 

Basil: Hosting WHAT Austin?!

Austin: Long Story. I'll be going now Basil, see you after I shag this mission...

Austin drives off, as Shane walks into frame. 

Shane: Let me guess, last minute changes? 

Team 2's camp

Cody is chilling on her bed, when Kevin walks in. 

Cody: ..You hear that Kevin?

Kevin: ..Hear what?

Cody: Peace...and quiet. 

Kevin: OH, I get it...

Cody hops off her bunk, as Dylan walks in. 

Dylan: Whats up guys, I'm happy to hear that no ones whining!

Kevin: Yeah, the toxicity is gone!

Cody: ...Hey Guys. 

Dylan: Hm?

Cody: ..You both seem like respectable people...and the 3 of us have no allies here....so how would you like to be f-f-f...f-f-f...f-f—

Dylan: Friends?

Cody: ..Yes. 

Dylan: Your Alright in my book so I don't see the harm in it! 

Dylan: I really DON'T see the harm. Cody doesn't seem to like people all that much but wants to spend time with some, and I DO like people! I'm with someone though guys, so if your a deviantart user, go away! We are real people! 

Cody looks towards Kevin and Kevin just gives a nod.

We cut to see Jeremiah sourly looking at Shawn in the cabin. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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