Episode 1- A Mixed Bag

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Authors Note: This And Episode 2 was typed in like, March or April. Now you'll notice that there are no characters from RHETT'S TDI, simply because how can people be on two fucking islands at once?  Oh, and this story is NOT meant to be taken seriously. I write stuff like this when I'm bored, but Galactic Race 1 And CAW Doom was like almost the same and I think those did pretty well. Prepare to cringe, laugh, and see how quickly things can escalate. Back to you Austin. 

Austin: We don't do recaps on THIS story baby!  

An Austin Powers transition occurs, as we head to...

Team 1's camp. 

Austin is guiding Team 1 to their cabins. 

Austin: The budgets low, so this is where you'll be staying...

Everyone on Team 1 looks unenthusiastic. 

Austin: ..This isn't the worst place you could live. There's Syria. 

Rook: Wow. 

In the first cabin, we see Rook, Cake, Tyrell, and Dusk, setting their things on their bunks. 

Dusk: So....what an island huh?

Cake gets out a short Pineapple Surprise shirt with different color. He puts it on. 

Cake: Tyrell does this look good on me? 

Tyrell: I like how you blended all those different colors. 

Rook: *tiny smile* Fashion police. 

Rook turns to see Dusk, laying on his bed. 

Rook: First rule of being with us is that you can't be Moody Mack. 

Dusk: Not moody. Just tired. 

Rook: It's 12 in the afternoon. 

Dusk: I was watching this ensemble movie called Movie 43. Big waste of time. 

Rook: Never heard of it. 

Dusk: Yeah I figured. 

Rook gets out 4 calzones. He used for his shield. 

Dusk: *quietly* Ew..

Rook: It's either this or shitty cafeteria food. 

Cake: Isn't sneaking food like...illegal?

Tyrell: Oh Robert, so innocent. 

Cake: Not when—

Dusk: ALRIGHT, can we eat now? I'd rather have this than slop. 

Dusk: If I can manage to get into the SUPER good graces of these guys, then we are GOLDEN. 

We see Rook starting to eat a calzone. 

Rook: Me, Robert, Tyrell, that's just 3 people. Dusk's friend Dylan's on another team. So right now is the perfect time to lead him on....and then after that, kick Dr Evil's ass. Matter a fact...

Austin is Meanwhile seen in his little mansion on the island. 

Austin: *on the phone* Slop? No baby, that's too easy! Why can't they get like, juicy steaks or—*phone voice audio* So if I don't do that, I'm FIRED? *phone voice audio* Damnit man. This show was getting me back to TV....OK...*bummed out*  I'll think of something worse...

Back at Team 1's camp, we see Kano, Chuck, Ash, And Ryan enter. 

Ash: ..Sharing a cabin with a bunch of body odor? 

Kano: Hey now darlin...I'm more than an odorous man. I'm deadly INSIDE and OUTSIDE *winks.*

Ash sighs as she gets her guitar ready again. 

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