Episode 2- Future Shock

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Austin is seen, near Shane and Drew with soda cans. 

Austin: Welcome To Episode 2, BABY!! Just gonna let you in on the challenge before we start...Me and Shane will be watching hidden cameras, as teams try to run from who we dub.."The Scottish Psychopath..." The challenge will begin after we get more info on storylines...So we will see you soon Mans and babies! Yeeaaah!

Team 3's camp

Lance: *on Mirage in the Electric Chair position* Cmon, chop chop...lazy ass.

Mirage: I will snap your puny neck if you don't shut the hell up. 

Lance goes silent, as Mirage and Lance are in the cabin now. Rom sees Lance. 

Rom: Boost me Ranik!

Ranik, in the cabin, is unprepared as Rom leaps on him in Electric Chair Position. 

Rom: Cmon, a good old game of chicken! 

Lance: I'll beat your Redbull addicted ass. 

Rom: Is that so?

Lance: Yeah...Monster is better anyways. 


Rom starts punching Lance, as Ranik and Mirage unwillingly participate in this game of chicken. Lance kicks Rom off Ranik. Rom however no sells, and runs at Lance. Lance sidesteps, as Rom goes through the nearest window! Rom no sells, as Lance hides under a bed. 

Ranik: Rom...

Rom: *using fired up 2K taunt* WHERE IS HE, LET ME AT HIM!!

Ranik: ROM.

Rom turns to Ranik. Rom has shards of glass inside him. 

Ranik: Oh great, now we need a doctor....

Susie Bob is conveniently walking by, when she sees the glass in Rom.

Rom: What is it, Ranik? I don't feel anything. 

Lance: That's What Eve said

Rom: Um..

Ranik: Rom...

Rom: Um..um..What Ranik?

Ranik: ..You didn't..do the thing with Eve did you?

Rom: What? No that's crazy. The sex doll I used pretty much looked like Eve. 

Lance: So pretty much Eve? 

Mirage: ...What cabin did I waltz into? 

Rom: Not Eve herself, BH would fuck me up. Once he goes Beast Mode it's hard to stop him. 

Susie Bob: Hey Rom...*pulls out a mirror* Take a look at your back. 

Rom views his back from the mirror. 

Rom: Oh..wow..I look like a backyard wrestler...

Susie Bob: Yeah, I'm gonna have to remove the glass from you—

Rom: WHAT?! Are you even experienced?

Susie Bob: I've had my fair share of incidents to take care of. 

Rom: Yeeeaaah, sure...

Ranik: Just go with the girl Rom...

Rom: Ranik she...*whispers* She's from the south..

Ranik: ...So? You fought ME at Famniversary 4, wheres THAT confidence? 

Rom: I didn't expect to be having an appointment with a country girl—

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