Cast/Team Reveal

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4 boats carrying people are in the water. Dr Evil just sits there. 

Dr Evil: ..Well come on already, I have to feed Bigglesworth soon. 

Aaron exits, wearing a red ULW shirt. 

Dr Evil: ...REALLY?

Aaron: It was the best I could afford. 

Dr Evil: To be different from Bruno? You both look the same, anyways, next. 

Exiting next to Aaron is Chuck Danvers, with tattoos on him. 

Chuck: ..Sup. 

Dr Evil: Uh oh we got a badass over here...

Chuck: You look like an elephant baby. 

Dr Evil goes to press the red button again, but is stopped by a calzone. 

Rook: No more!

Rook is carrying Cake on his shoulders. 

Cake: Oooh that's right...pour that—

Rook quickly covers Cakes mouth. 

Dr Evil: Is...THAT our third contestant? *looks left and right* Seriously? 

Rook: nearly killed him too. Lodestars in critical condition..

Dr Evil: PFFT, nobody cared about her anyways with that...weird purple hair. 

Shane McMahon, recovered and all sweaty, tackles Dr Evil. 

Dr Evil: He's sweating all over me!

Shane throws barely contacting fists of fury, as Dr Evil starts getting hurt. Shane is Shot by...

Austin Powers: YEAH BABY!!

Dr Evil gets to his feet. 

Austin: Evil? You don't look so good, mate. I'll get you carried out and take it from here. 

Evil is carried out with Bigglesworth, as Austin sees Rook, Cake, Aaron, And Chuck. 

Austin: How's everyone doing?

Chuck: One thing you could do is brush your teeth. 

Austin: Hey!....I need these baby's sometime...

Chuck: *mutters* For The Love Of—

Austin: Anyways, which babe is up next!

A red bull can hits Austin in the head. 

???: Goddamnit Rom!

Rom drunkenly stumbles out. 

Rom: I can't feel my legs!

Austin looks to see another figure form...

Ranik walks out, as lightning strikes and startles Austin. 

Austin: ...You must be in poundtown 24/7 eh? 

Ranik: ....

Rom looks at the water and starts tripping out. 


Ranik: ...*looks to Aaron, Chuck, Rook, Cake, and Austin looking confused*

Ranik: ...I'm a babysitter...

(Italics are confessionals. The old format was annoying.)

Ranik: If Rom can't take this seriously, I'll be carrying him through this entire thing.

Cut to Rom

Rom: ..*looks into the camera* Am the..I'm being spied on...If it's the FBI, Merk did it, not me. 

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